Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sleep, Dreams, and Our Mental and Physical Processes Essay -- Research

Sleep, Dreams, and Our Mental and Physical Processes Scientists have been researching and conducting studies to discover the true meaning of sleep and dreams. Scientists have developed a few theories on whether we sleep and dream to build up our mental or physical energy. According to the author of an article in Encarta Encyclopedia, Siegel defined sleep as the "natural state of rest characterized by reduced body movement and decreased awareness of surroundings" (Siegel). In an article on MSNBC Interactive, scientists believe in the physical aspects such that energy is lost throughout the day, so sleep is a time to build or restore that energy back up for the next day. The body also does some repair work. A hormone is released while sleeping to restore and build body tissue (Why do we need"). Other scientists in the MSNBC article argue that sleep restores our mental energy. Humans spend all day using the brain and draining out the energy, so sleep is the time to boost that energy up again ("Why do we need"). The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes explained that sleep is also needed for the nervous system to work properly. Sleep gives neurons the chance to shut down and repair themselves, if they do not rest then they begin to malfunction. In deep sleep, growth hormones are released into body, which is important for children and young adults ("Brain Basics"). The true function of sleep though still remains a mystery. Whether sleep is a time for mental or physical restoration, the process of sleep is the same. Lefton, author of a well-known textbook called Psychology, explains that sleep is broken down into five stages. By using electroencephalograms (EEGs), scientists found out more about these ... ...remain a mystery. Works Cited Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. 3 July 2003. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes. 2 April 2004 < and_medical/pubs/understanding_sleep_brain_basic_.htm>. Condor, Bob. "In Our Dreams, Our Emotions Run The Show." Chicago Tribune (21 March 2004). ProQuest Direct. Penn State University Library. 5 April 2004. How Much Sleep Do We Need? 2001. Yahoo! Health. 1 April 2004 < com/health/centers/sleep_disorders/102>. Lefton, Lester A. and Linda Brannon. Psychology. Ed. Carol Merrill. 8th ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2003. 193-201. Siegel, Jerome M. "Sleep." Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Standard CD-ROM. Redmond: Microsoft, 2004. Why Do We Need To Sleep So Much? 2004. MSNBC Interactive. 1 April 2004 <>.

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