Friday, October 4, 2019

LOVE Enhancing the Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

LOVE Enhancing the Marketing Plan - Essay Example McDonald’s has over 14,000 stores in the United States and 32737 overall (Jargon, 2011). One of the strengths of McDonald’s is its wide variety of food items in the menu. The second strength McDonald’s has is its outstanding financial performance. In 2010, McDonald’s generated total revenues of $24,075 billion and net income of $4,946 billion (Aboutmcdonalds, 2011). The third strength of McDonald’s is its outstanding customer reach. McDonald’s serves over 64 million customers daily. The main weakness McDonald’s has is the high fat content of most of the items in its menu. The second major competitor in the food industry is Subway. Subway last year surpassed McDonalds as the fast food restaurant with the most franchises worldwide. Today Subway has 36,671 stores across 99 countries (Subway, 2011). Subway has multiple strengths that have made this franchise a complete success. The organization has a tremendous executive management team. D uring the last decade the franchise has been growing at an outstanding rate. The second strength of Subway is the quality of its food. Subway meals are low on calories and low on fat. The third strength of Subway is the fact that company lets its customers customize its sandwiches. The fourth strength of the company is its outstanding advertising. ... The major strength of pizza food trucks is the product’s appeal. Pizza is the favorite meal of Americans. The average American eats 46 slices of pizza each year (Mamadelucaspizza, 2007). The second strength of pizza trucks is competitive pricing. The con of the food cooked in pizza trucks is its extremely high fat content. 2) Thoroughly discuss how you plan to differentiate your company from the closest competitor and why? The closest competitor to 360UP is pizza truck vendors. 360UP will utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate the business. One of the most important strategies that the company will utilize to differentiate itself from mobile pizza trucks is having a gourmet quality product. 360UP is a mobile fast food restaurant serving cuisines with tricky flavor combinations - American-Asian cuisines, Mexican-Asian food, Thai-Mediterranean and so on. The unique blend of different flavors all over the world will be served in affordable and easy to eat meals. Unlike pizza, the food served at 360UP is healthy and nutritional. A second differentiating factor that 360UP will utilize to outperform the competition is innovative marketing practices. The advertising initiatives of 360UP are going to help the company reach its marketing goals because more potential customers are going to realize of the existence of the firm’s products and services. 360UP will utilize social websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to communicate with its customers. Whenever the truck moves to any location, fans will be able to follow the movement of the food truck through Twitter. 360UP will implement socially conscious promotions, such as offering all senior citizens a 20% discount from the entire menu. Senior citizens have high disposable income because they

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