Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethics Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics Review - Article Example What the article requires people involved in accounting and finance was the same thing that was asked of us when I worked as a customer service representative for a contact center. We were always reminded to be truthful to our customers like telling them our real name, giving them the correct picture of the situation or problem, and the like. We were also reminded not to disclose to others vital information of our customers like their credit card number and phone number. I think the company I worked for is okay. But in order to improve the company’s relation with its clients, management should continue emphasizing to the employees the importance of practicing good ethical behavior. Ethics is important in accounting and financing because being truthful and honest allows one to gain the trust of other people. When we work with others and observe acceptable behavior, we do not only help the company grow but we also help ourselves too. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act emphasizes the importa nce of providing true and accurate facts in financial statements. The said act also requires companies to be transparent in their financial and accounting activities. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act puts into action the principles Shanker laid down in her article.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Australia and China Tade Essay Example for Free

Australia and China Tade Essay China is a country located in East Asia. It is the worlds most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. China is the fourth largest country in the world behind Russia, Canada, and the United States. Australia is a continent and a country in the Southern Hemisphere, lying to the south of Southeast Asia, which divides the Indian and South Pacific Oceans. The population of Australia is 23 million. In 2009 China surpassed Japan to become Australias largest export market, the Australian and Chinese economies are strongly complementary. As a result, our trade and investment relationship is substantial and has developed well beyond its modest beginnings in the 1970s. According to Australian statistics, two-way merchandise trade has grown from $113 million in 1973, just after the establishment of diplomatic relations, to $78.2 billion in 2009. China is Australias largest trading partner, with total trade (goods and services) in 2009 valued at $85.1 billion, an increase of 15.1 per cent over the previous year. Government and/or NGO Roles: The Australian Government established the Australia-China Council (ACC) in 1978 to promote mutual understanding and foster people-to-people relations between Australia and China. The Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who also appoints the Board members. The function of the Council is to make recommendations to the Australian Government through the Minister for Foreign Affairs on strengthening the Australia-China relationship in ways that support Australias foreign and trade policy interests. The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is a membership-based, non-profit, non-governmental organisation comprising of a National Office, six Branches, and more than 1500 representatives from over 700 Australian companies who do business with China. Founded in 1973, ACBC actively promotes two-way trade and investment, and economic cooperation and understanding, between the business communities of Australia and China. ACBC plays an influential role as an advisor to the Australian Government on commercial relations with China. They are a strong supporter of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China to foster more competitive business in both nations. Founded in Beijing in 1996, The China-Australia Chamber of Commerces (AustCham Beijing) overriding goal is to advance Australian Business in China. It functions to provide members with the information, resources and contacts they need to succeed in China. The Chamber maintains a good working relationship with the Australian Embassy and with the various Australian government departments in China. AustCham is a non-profit organization, which operates independently from government. It is funded entirely by their membership and Chamber activities. Together with their sister AustChams in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, they work to promote strong trade and investment links between Australia and China. Treaties and Agreements- formal and/or informal: On the 18th of April 2005, Australia and China agreed to commence negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) following consideration of a joint FTA Feasibility Study. The study was completed in March 2005, and concluded that there would be significant economic benefits for both Australia and China through the negotiation of an FTA. From April 2013, WESTPAC and ANZ banks will now be the first to directly trade Australian dollars into Chinese Yuan. Due to this fact, deepening of relationships between China and Australia, it signals deepening of trade connections and great opportunities for future growth. Advantages and Disadvantages to Australia of this link: Advantages: Employment will increase in exporting industries and workers will be displaced as import competing industries fold (close down) in the competitive environment. With free trade many jobs have been created in Australia, especially in manufacturing and service industries Consumers benefit in the domestic economy as they can now obtain a greater variety of goods and services. The increased competitions ensure goods and services, are supplied at the lowest prices. Disadvantages: This can impact upon large numbers of workers, their families and local economies. Often it can be difficult for workers to find employment in growth industries and government assistance is necessary. This means that businesses, employees and consumers are more vulnerable to downturns in the economies of our trading partners. Future Direction of link: Australia and China share a strong and rapidly growing trade and economic relationship. Further strengthening and deepening this relationship is a major priority for both countries, with both governments committed to sustaining the impressive trade and investment performance achieved in the past two decades. In that time, China has become Australia’s largest two-way trading partner and vital to Australia’s future economic prosperity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hip-hop :: Papers

Hip-hop Recently, I took a walk around the floor on which I live and asked anyone who I found for their definition of "hip-hop." I wasn't able to ask everyone on the floor, but I really didn't need to either. From the 15 or so people I asked, I got a similar answer, and each was that which I expected to hear. Some of my floormates thought that hip-hop was rap music, others said it was both rap and R&B, and only one person had a good idea of what it actually is. Hip-hop is a culture, and there is a common misconception that hip-hop refers solely to a genre of music. The dictionary definition of hip-hop is "a subculture especially of inner-city youths whose amusements include rap music, graffiti, and break-dancing" (Mish 549). This is a pretty accurate definition of hip-hop. There is a lot more to hip-hop but the dictionary does a good job of giving it a brief definition. The definition explains why I know what hip-hop really is and also why I'm bothered when someone thinks hip-hop is the same as rap. I grew up and have lived my entire life in New York City, perhaps the most urban and diverse place to live in on Earth. It's not possible for a teenager to be more exposed to hip-hop than he is in New York City. I'm also a youth, and people in my age group are more exposed to the culture than those of any other age group. Hip-hop is simply more appealing to young people, but this is not to say that adults can't like hip-hop as well. My roommate said that he wishes he could know more about hip-hop, but where he's from it's simply not possible. He has been exposed to hip-hop more in the past two months than in the eighteen years of his life before that, simply because he has me for a roommate. This came as somewhat of a surprise to me, because I never knew that hip-hop was so non-existent in suburbs such as Mansfield, PA, where my roommate is from. My roommate is definitely not the only person at Penn State from a suburb, so there are many other students here who know even less about the culture than him. My goal, therefore, is to inform these people about hip-hop enough so that they realize there's a lot more to it than just rap music.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homosexuality in America in Reference to Cat

These accusations were made by people such as John Clue and Nicholas De Jingo. Shackled suggests that these critics didn't take into account that writers and their work would have been rejected or censored. (Shackled; 1998). Gay men and women were subject of Senator McCarty Witch' hunts during the ass, they were considered by the government as security risks. The government accused homosexuals as potential acting as spies who would betray them as this type of lifestyle was UN-American. (Shackled; 1998).Homosexuals were also seen as communists, and during the witch hunt in the asses they were prosecuted, even thou proof. Government officials were fired from their jobs. This was known as McCarthy. (Shackled; 1998). â€Å"Inspired by McCarthy, a legislative committee sought to rid Florida of any perceived homosexual, for being gay was not only perversion of the highest magnitude but, more importantly, also tantamount to being a traitor† (Shackled; 1998). During the time that Will iams wrote ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' being gay was one of the worst crimes that someone could commit.Homosexuality was also considered as a mental illness, which meant that anyone ho was open about their gay lifestyle was immediately seen as ‘abnormal. ‘ This meant that the medical procedure known as a Lobotomy could be performed in order to cure homosexuality. These procedures went ahead despite Sigmund Fried's claims that homosexuality was ‘neither an asset nor a liability. ‘ (Shackled; 1998). In ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof It Is clear that Skipper was a gay man. He drank himself to death after admitting his love for Brick, and falling to prove that he wasn't when sleeping with Maggie. Alcohol becomes the means by which both the gay or quasi- ay male characters, Skipper and Brick, run from their inner selves. Skipper is portrayed as a disturbed but clearly homosexual man whose love and admiration for Brick are such that he cannot face the truth Maggie helps reveal to him. † (Shackled; 1998). Skipper is a key role In this play, despite being dead before It begins.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Noticing Hypothesis

The noticing hypothesis is a concept in second-language acquisition proposed by Richard Schmidt in 1990. He stated that learners cannot learn the grammatical features of a language unless they notice them. Noticing alone does not mean that learners automatically acquire language; rather, the hypothesis states that noticing is the essential starting point for acquisition.There is debate over whether learners must consciously notice something, or whether the noticing can be subconscious to some degree (Schmidt, 1990, 2001) Noticing is a complex process: it involves the ntake both of meaning and of form, and it takes time for learners to progress from initial recognition to the point where they can internalize the underlying rule. This argues for teachers to provide recurring opportunities for learners to notice, since one noticing task is most unlikely to be sufficient. More specifically, we may want to work with different kinds of noticing task in future in order to serve different ps ycholinguistic factors.Schmidt (1990), identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge. The first sense, consciousness as awareness, embraces noticing . According to Schmidt (1995, p. 20), â€Å"the noticing hypothesis states that what learners notice in input is what becomes intake for learning. † Schmidt also states that a) whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake; and b) that noticing is a necessary condition for L2 acquisition.In his noticing hypothesis, Schmidt (1990, 1993, 1995; Schmidt & Frota, 1986) shed light n focal attention, or noticing, as a necessary and sufficient condition for input to become intake in SLA, by claiming â€Å"intake is that part of the input that the learner notices† (1990, p. 139). According to Schmidt (1993), second language (L2) learners need to not only comprehend the input but also notice â€Å"whatever features of the input are relevant for the target system† (p. 209).Although these definitions of noticing differ in the degrees or levels of awareness that are deemed necessary for SLA, the researchers all agree on the importance of noticing in SLA. In both the strong version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is necessary and sufficient for second language acquisition) and the weak version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for second language acquisition), noticing is considered to play a significant role in SLA.In Gass and Selinker's (2001) view, noticing or selective attention is â€Å"at the heart of the interaction hypothesis,† (p. 298) and is one of the crucial mechanisms in the negotiation process. Conclusion Attention and noticing (the subjective correlate of attention are crucial concepts for ttention – becoming conscious of some material – seems to be the sover eign remedy for learning anything. It is the universal solvent of the mind† (Baars 1997, P. 04). For SLA, the allocation of attention is the pivotal point at which learner external factors (including the complexity and distributional characteristics of input, the discoursal and interactional context, instructional treatment, and task characteristics) and learner internal factors (including motivation, aptitude, learning styles and strategies, current L2 knowledge and processing ability) come together.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jack London1 essays

Jack London1 essays One is led to believe that if a person is an author, then that person would have the best education that is available to them. However, this is not the case for Jack London. He dropped out of school at the age of fourteen and explored San Francisco, stole oysters, worked for the government, went to Japan, and traveled around the United States by hitching rides on freight trains. This is just a list of the few things he did during the five-year period while he did not attend school. He then returned and finished high school at the age of nineteen to continue onto the University of California at Berkeley, only to quit after one semester. Yet, he is described by Howard Lacchtman, as a born teller of tales (Lundberg 1). Flora Wellman gave birth to Jack London on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. Flora Wellman was an unmarried woman who came from a very wealthy background. Jack Londons father, an astrologer who was very nomadic, deserted him and his mother when Jack London was born. Jack London received his last name from his stepfather who married his mother late in the year of 1876. John London, Flora Wellman, and Jack London moved to Oakland, California in 1886 where Jack London spent his childhood years. It is said that London was a frequent visitor of the Oakland Public Library and loved to read at an early age. Yet, because of the hard times, he always helped support his family by delivering newspapers, sweeping saloon floors, setting up pins in a bowling alley and working at other jobs (Port of Oakland). At the age of fourteen, Jack London decided to quit school to escape poverty and gain adventure ( Inc.). He did a number of things in the five-year period while he escaped from school. He pirated for oysters on the San Francisco Bay, worked to capture poachers on fish patrols, and sailed all around the Pacific Ocean on a sailing ship. He also "...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A mistake can be corrected once found Essays

A mistake can be corrected once found Essays A mistake can be corrected once found Paper A mistake can be corrected once found Paper Learning this course has been very helpful to me. I have acquired skills in conducting researches. Making research is not just reading the references provided by any course instructor. You have to explore more using additional references of your own. In finding references you have to be more specific and do proper selection as some of them were not legitimate. After reading the references you have to find ways of integrating different ideas from different sources. You have to do proper comparison, contrasting, and be able to apply them to your own idea and what is really going on around in the past, and in the present. One indication of the effectiveness of your reading from different sources is when you test yourself by sharing what you have learned based on your own words and not by using the texts word for word from your readings. Sharing ideas in front of the class is very important. A mistake can be corrected once found. The most effective way to find any mistake in any class instruction is to collect ideas from each participating member of the class. It is very possible because each reader has their own understanding of what they have read. Doing the case study is also another way of measuring how a learner has acquired the learning objectives. Case studies enable the student to analyze particular cases, find problems, find solutions, and formulate conclusions. Completing case studies helped us master the process of professional problem solving. You have to identify problems, formulate your objectives, find related literatures, and conduct personal research and experiments. After that you have to integrate your literature readings and every data gathered from personal research and experiments in a discussion. Then afterwards you have to write recommendations and conclusion. Acquiring a skill in pursuing a Research or Study is the most important skill that I have acquired. It takes a lot of hardship and struggle but it is just a slight insight of what we are going to be as we pursue in our field. That is one of the things that I hate. There are situations where I got bored although I am particularly interested in the topic, but I got bored finding more references. All in all, I find my effort fair enough as I have gone this far already. The whole course about Health Information System has given me wider range of perspectives on the importance of Information systems in Health Care. Journeying back to the historical articles have given us a flashback of its early years and of how it has evolved from its traditional state into this present modern technology driven era. The evolution of the system was directly influenced by the impact of computers and the internet. It started as a local health information system that acquires and keeps records of health care and services data which had over years turned into an integrated system composed of health information networks from various locations. One of the biggest problems faced by its early promoters is enabling different network to share information coherently. The problem was solved by the application of JAD (Joint Application Design). Joint discussions of the processes in health information system were discussed on various perspectives of users, systems analysts, and systems modelers. Taking a standard Identification Number that could work from various computer systems and platforms was considered. To enable health information system users to access data from different location, the system was enabled on the internet. It was the first introduction of the system to the Web, which enables many clients to access data simultaneously.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Easily Mix Your Own Tattoo Ink

How to Easily Mix Your Own Tattoo Ink These are instructions for preparing a tattoo ink. The tutorial should only be used by persons who have received training in aseptic techniques. It takes about 1-1.5 hours. Otherwise, use this information to help ask informed questions of a tattoo professional. Does your tattooist know exactly what is in his or her ink? What You Need to Make Your Own Tattoo Ink Dry PigmentVodkaGlycerine, medical gradePropylene GlycolBlenderSafety EquipmentSterile Ink Bottles Homemade Tattoo Ink Instructions Use clean, sterile materials (see note below), put on a paper mask and gloves.Mix until clear: about 7/8 quart vodka, 1 tablespoon glycerine, and 1 tablespoon propylene glycol.In blender or jar that fits on blender, add an inch or two of powdered pigment and stir in enough liquid from step 2 to create a slurry.Blend on a low speed for about 15 minutes, then on a medium speed for an hour. If you are using a jar on the blender, release pressure buildup every fifteen minutes or so.Use a baster to siphon ink or pour it through a funnel into ink bottles. You may add a sterile marble or glass bead to each bottle to aid in mixing.Store the ink away from sunlight or fluorescent lighting, since ultraviolet radiation will alter some pigments.Keeping track of the amounts of liquid and powdered pigment will help you make consistent batches and improve your technique.You can use smaller amounts of glycerine and propylene glycol, but probably not larger amounts. Too much glycerine will make the in k oily and too much glycol will form a hard shell on top of the ink. If you are not conversant with aseptic techniques, dont make your own ink! Tips for Success Obtain dry pigment from a tattoo supply house. It is much more difficult to order pure pigment directly from a chemical supplier. One natural pigment is carbon black, obtained from completely burning wood.You may substitute Listerine or witch hazel for the vodka. Some people use distilled water. I dont recommend rubbing alcohol or methanol. Water is not antibacterial.While your supplies should be clean and sterile, do not heat-sterilize pigments or their mixtures. The pigment chemistry will change and may become toxic.Although pigments normally are not toxic, you need a mask because breathing pigment particles can cause permanent lung damage.You can use mason jars directly on the blender as long as you unscrew them periodically during mixing to prevent overpressure breakage from heating.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Information Technology (MIS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Information Technology (MIS) - Essay Example Users can use blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks, and online marketing, to view, review, comment, share, upload, download, and debate on controversial topics. Web 2.0 technologies can also be used in business world through applications that provide a collaborative platform to businessmen, where they can collaborate with their partners and customers right from their offices and homes. So, the reader comes to know that we are using machines while becoming machines ourselves. I totally agree with Wesche because I believe that it is actually we who are the Machines, because it is we who tell the machine what to do. But at the same time, the machine is also using us, by making us collaborate with the world. The reference to digital ethnography helps explain how technological advancements have changed our lives entirely. The video is very informative and entertaining, and the way Wesche has used digital text and dynamism is wonderful. The use of technical terms and their description i s very informative for a

The tell-tale heart short story Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The tell-tale heart short story - Coursework Example He thus interpreted love and hate similar to Freud as universal emotions, hence severed from the particular conditions of time and space (Poe, 2014). He is, therefore, motivated to kill the old man whom he loved by neither passion nor desire for money but a fear of the man’s pale eye that triggers his hatred. Argument two is that Poe’s terror results to the narrator’s simultaneous love for himself and hatred of his rival. Such a double depicts the inseparability of love and hate and hence two forms of the key intense form of human emotion. The narrator thus loves himself, however, when feelings of self-hatred appear in him, the narrator projects such a hatred onto an imaginary copy of himself (Poe, 2014). Thus, he confesses a love for an old man whom he violently murders and dismembers. He thus decides to tell a story in which he will defend his sanity yet admit to having killed an old man. Argument three is that the narrator instigates the story by addressing the reader and claiming that he is nervous but never mad. Therefore, the narrator reveals his madness through an attempt to delink the person of the old man, whom he loves, from that of old man’s supposedly evil eye, triggering the narrator’s hatred (Poe, 2014). Subsequently, such delusional distinction helps the narrator to remain unaware of the paradox of claiming to have loved his

Friday, October 18, 2019

Warranty Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Warranty Review - Assignment Example This paper explores warranty on sale of an electronic (Lenovo smartphone). Warranty on the selected Smartphone included in its quality description. Under this, it is stated that the Smartphone has 8GB internal memory and various applications. The application already installed includes Opera Mini browser, Face book, Mozilla Firefox among other several applications. The smartphone is also installed with video recorder and internal camera. These UCC warranty are located under Express Warranty. They have no modification and are the original manufacturer derived. This warranty generally describes the expected quality of the Lenovo Smartphone as described by the manufacture. Among other warranty described includes screen sensitivity. Being a touch screen smartphone, the customers are assured of high sensitivity to touch. The phone is also resistant to interference with water as waterproof materials cover it. It can remain in use for a long period without knocking down and has varying versatile uses. All these are located under Express Warranty (Miller 285). Ther efore, they do not contain modification words and not guaranteed Other warranty provided includes warranty on merchantibity and fitness for use for a given purpose. The warranty document states that the smartphone so provided is durable when handled with care. It is also warranty that the materials used for manufacturing the smartphone is of excellent quality. Therefore, it has no threats to users and handlers of the smartphone. These entire guarantees are located in Merchantibity Warranty. The modification under merchantability is that the manufacture do not take responsibility on quality not included in the contract. The warranty applies only when there is a complication with the stated quality (Miller 285). Under warranty of fitness for use, its stated that use of the social media application provided have no guaranteed privacy. Compromises of quality due to the use of

LogisticsReflective Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LogisticsReflective Report - Essay Example I even developed a strong position towards an idea about various advantages that the organisations can reap in order to maintain their dominant business position with the successful development of Supply Chain Management (SCM) procedure. I have even elaborated various needs of modernisation within the conventional procedure of supply chain to promote innovativeness amid individuals, so that organisations are able to enhance their competitive advantages in the global domain. Critical review of the innovative practices inculcated in the SCM procedure has also been quite useful in conducting an in-depth analysis of the subject matter. While working with my first essay, I developed an inductive analysis of aspects related with the development of logistics. However, while formulating the essay, I identified that there are certain issues to be addressed but seemed challenging as per my abilities. I was also less confident when preparing the first essay as compared to my degree of confidence in the second essay. However, with adequate support, I believe to have justified the topic successfully. While conducting an in depth research, on the different approaches of logistics and its scope of innovativeness, I learnt about certain new concepts that I was further able to relate with the development of the overall SCM procedure. One of those concepts was the ‘supply base localisation’ theme, which was based on the notion of developing local value chains in relation to international supply chain. With the motive to provide an insight on the various concepts that are related with the innovative approaches of SCM as well as logistics, I could develop a clear understanding of the various needs of SCM in the local level. This essay was illustrated based on the concepts that I have reviewed in my first essay and was a clear addition to the innovative index that has been focused while formulating the initial one. Essay 2 has detailed

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Quaker Oats Company and Snapple Beverage Company Essay

Quaker Oats Company and Snapple Beverage Company - Essay Example The company specialized in the manufacture of beverage, food, and oatmeal products. Management conflicts occurred among the three partners, with Crowell and Stuart being forced out by Schumacher. However, the two returned through a proxy-share war that resulted in the ejection f Schumacher in 1901. It was after this that they changed the name of the company to the Quaker Oats Company. In the process, the company changed its product line to specialize in oat, wheat cereals, corn meal, baby food, animal feeds, corn meal, and hominy. During the late 20th century, the Quaker Oats Company expanded its product-line to include hundreds of beverage and food products such as frozen waffles, pancakes, mixes, crunch breakfast cereals, Aunt Jemima syrup, among others. Since then, the company has expanded its operations to become a multinational organization with branches in over 25 countries across Asia, Europe, and Latin America (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). The Driving Forces behind the Acquisition The acquiring company paired Snapple with its Gatorade plant, thus forming the third leading non-alcoholic beverage producer in North America. The success story of the Snapple Co. was one of the driving forces behind the acquisition plan. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Snapple dominated the media as the darling of the Wall Street. The company’s profit margins had roared for close to a decade, thus drawing interests from other players in the industry.


SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY-CASE STUDIES IN POLICY DECISION - PowerPoint Presentation Example Afar from the international politics of power, the general realization is that there was no practical, strategic and military justifications for the development of a weapon with such huge prospects of destruction. The development of a Hydrogen Bomb just for the sake of proving a point was in no way practical considering the resources that were utilized in the development of such a weapon. Furthermore, the possibility of using such an immensly destructive weapon was unethical and inhumane by any standards even during wars. However, Dr. Edward Teller speculated that the fear aroused by the existence of such a weapon would drive humanity to engage in more reasonable politics rather than the politics of destruction (Groot, 2004, p.164). In a letter to the President, Lewis Strauss stressed that the public opinion was already against the development of such a weapon due to the heavy costs (Strauss, 1950). However, Teller also outlines that the success of such a weapon in checking power and possibly preventing a war, would only be successful when another country like the Soviet Union possessed the same weapon. The question is what happenns when the balance of power is broken when some unruly third w orld country or a terrorist organization gains possession of such a technology? Gizewski (1996, p.399) adds that the move of making such a destructive weapon would tarnish the image of any nation in international politics due to the emotions harbored after the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombings. The military/strateic justifications further make the development of hydrogen bomb unreasonable. According to Groot (2004, p.182), the arms race that was experienced among the developed nations during the cold war could have only been stopped when nations ceased from making destructive weapons and filling up their arsenals. The United States had realized that it could not make

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Quaker Oats Company and Snapple Beverage Company Essay

Quaker Oats Company and Snapple Beverage Company - Essay Example The company specialized in the manufacture of beverage, food, and oatmeal products. Management conflicts occurred among the three partners, with Crowell and Stuart being forced out by Schumacher. However, the two returned through a proxy-share war that resulted in the ejection f Schumacher in 1901. It was after this that they changed the name of the company to the Quaker Oats Company. In the process, the company changed its product line to specialize in oat, wheat cereals, corn meal, baby food, animal feeds, corn meal, and hominy. During the late 20th century, the Quaker Oats Company expanded its product-line to include hundreds of beverage and food products such as frozen waffles, pancakes, mixes, crunch breakfast cereals, Aunt Jemima syrup, among others. Since then, the company has expanded its operations to become a multinational organization with branches in over 25 countries across Asia, Europe, and Latin America (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). The Driving Forces behind the Acquisition The acquiring company paired Snapple with its Gatorade plant, thus forming the third leading non-alcoholic beverage producer in North America. The success story of the Snapple Co. was one of the driving forces behind the acquisition plan. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Snapple dominated the media as the darling of the Wall Street. The company’s profit margins had roared for close to a decade, thus drawing interests from other players in the industry.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Multimedia System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multimedia System - Research Paper Example So we can say that multimedia is exhibition of some form of information in any format. This can also be taken as the presenting information by means of numerous dissimilar techniques to obtain across those ideas (Multimedia Product development, 2009). Some years ago, purchasing a multimedia product for a computer was a pretty complex task, on the other hand for the reason that of the marvelous enlargement of multimedia applications, the majority of computers that we purchase nowadays are previously intended to execute and run multimedia products and applications. If we want to develop a multimedia sample or applications then we need a more powerful computer system. If we do not have such machine then its productivity will be lost, but now the majority of people having more powerful machines as compared to 10 years ago computers (Henke et al, 2000). The practice of development of a multimodal product encompasses a comprehensive planning for the over development process. In this circumstances we have to pay more attention regarding the way and tools we have, and which we adopt for the development of the system (Multimedia Product development, 2009). This research is aimed at discussing this development process and its main aspects. This section will discuss about the main aspect of multimedia planning process and events. Successfully developing as well as delivering a multimedia product or applications necessitates an additional powerful PC, very good designing qualities, effective programming knowledge and most important a creative mind. Though, if formation of high-end multimedia product is our objective, then we definitely need to consider positive circumstance that has been recognized particularly for multimedia product development (Henke et al, 2000). Storyboard is the basic step in every type of multimedia product development. In this first phase of the multimedia product development we build up and design a

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Reward-Award System and the Suffocating Aspect of Expectations Essay Example for Free

The Reward-Award System and the Suffocating Aspect of Expectations Essay Education is considered as a very important aspect of our lives. It is through education that a person is able to learn various things which are needed later on in his or her life. While some may argue that that there are some things that education does not need to teach like Chemistry or Physics when a person wants to be a writer or fashion designer in the future, no one can argue that it is the discipline which those subjects or the whole aspect of the academic itself which is proven to be very useful later on. No one can deny the fact that the knowledge accumulated within the four walls of classroom is imperative, just as the experience of the whole thing within the years of being educated is important. The relationships that will be formed within the walls of the school can sometimes even surpass the connection that families have within their homes. In fact, sometimes, the people within the school are those who are considered as the very family of a person. However, what is really most focused on while in school is the aspect of academics, and while academics are really important, a person can believe that the stifling obligations and duties that come with it can be very difficult, most especially if a family or a community strongly believes that a person is worthy or should succeed. The expectations which come with the whole thing can be horrifying and appalling. In many countries, there are news reports of very young people committing suicide or killing each other because of the burden which is brought by these expectations. Why is it that many adults are pushing their children to the best schools, to have the best grades, to be the best in everything? Perhaps, a person should look into the basis of what is exactly the concept of being the best. The best is known as the number one — a person who receives the awards and medals and becomes famous for either being beautiful or being smart. Any person in between can be considered as an average person. Thus, this paper will point out the belief that the award-reward system is actually not a good thing and it should be improved or changed. Many companies in the future always ask or want a sense of accomplishment and an achievement. Going through school without getting into trouble and finishing it is a great accomplishment in itself, and yet people still yearn for more. People yearn for a physical evidence of an accomplishment and an achievement. In a family, when a member comes home with a medal or an award, the whole family celebrates and applauds for that person. That is after all, a sense of achievement — an evidence of hard work. However, in the corner or in the room upstairs, the sibling is hiding and feels so worthless since he or she cannot give his or her parents that same sense of satisfaction. So where does the problem lie exactly? Are parents too demanding and pushy that children are left to be so burdened with books and fulfilling the dreams of their parents? That is indeed sometimes the case, is it not — the children are left to fulfill a dream of a parent who is unable to fulfill his or her own dream? Who is at fault though? Who are the ones who are to blame for this kind of rewarding system? This system believes that the only means of achieving success and satisfaction is by means of an award. Genuine compliments and words of praises are then considered as inferior when compared to those awards. The awards system can be even traced back into far as the ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. Those who are concluded as the best and strongest during battles or matches are rewarded with medals, shields, or the head of the leader of their enemy. It is not surprising then why this kind of thinking is still present today. What is it about this kind of system that still make academic and non-academic institutions follow it? It important to look at the pros and cons and determine once and for all, why the reward system is more than discouraging — it is outright a mistake to even exist in the first place. The Advantageous Aspect of the Award System It is through the awards and such things that a person wants to work hard and strive to be the best. Because of this particular system, people are being non-mediocre and making efforts to put their best foot forward. It is a matter of having a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. The shining moment when a person goes up the stage or when everyone starts to acknowledge the person and the efforts which he or she has done is beyond exhilarating — it is a moment of pure bliss which will be imprinted in his or her memory for years. The Suffocating Aspect of Expectations As what the numerous paragraphs of this paper suggest, there are so many things which the award-reward system is telling society. One is that parents push their children to such great extent that it is sometimes suffocating. The burden of having to prove oneself to other people by means of an award is far ridiculous — it is beyond discouraging. Conclusion In conclusion, the reward-award system which has been the practice for many years should be changed for another system that exercises fairness and considers all the implications that the system is bringing. After all, the proof of a job well done does not rely merely on medals and on awards — hard work and determination is also a proof, and medals and awards would not be able to mirror or reflect those.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sleep, Dreams, and Our Mental and Physical Processes Essay -- Research

Sleep, Dreams, and Our Mental and Physical Processes Scientists have been researching and conducting studies to discover the true meaning of sleep and dreams. Scientists have developed a few theories on whether we sleep and dream to build up our mental or physical energy. According to the author of an article in Encarta Encyclopedia, Siegel defined sleep as the "natural state of rest characterized by reduced body movement and decreased awareness of surroundings" (Siegel). In an article on MSNBC Interactive, scientists believe in the physical aspects such that energy is lost throughout the day, so sleep is a time to build or restore that energy back up for the next day. The body also does some repair work. A hormone is released while sleeping to restore and build body tissue (Why do we need"). Other scientists in the MSNBC article argue that sleep restores our mental energy. Humans spend all day using the brain and draining out the energy, so sleep is the time to boost that energy up again ("Why do we need"). The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes explained that sleep is also needed for the nervous system to work properly. Sleep gives neurons the chance to shut down and repair themselves, if they do not rest then they begin to malfunction. In deep sleep, growth hormones are released into body, which is important for children and young adults ("Brain Basics"). The true function of sleep though still remains a mystery. Whether sleep is a time for mental or physical restoration, the process of sleep is the same. Lefton, author of a well-known textbook called Psychology, explains that sleep is broken down into five stages. By using electroencephalograms (EEGs), scientists found out more about these ... ...remain a mystery. Works Cited Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. 3 July 2003. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes. 2 April 2004 < and_medical/pubs/understanding_sleep_brain_basic_.htm>. Condor, Bob. "In Our Dreams, Our Emotions Run The Show." Chicago Tribune (21 March 2004). ProQuest Direct. Penn State University Library. 5 April 2004. How Much Sleep Do We Need? 2001. Yahoo! Health. 1 April 2004 < com/health/centers/sleep_disorders/102>. Lefton, Lester A. and Linda Brannon. Psychology. Ed. Carol Merrill. 8th ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2003. 193-201. Siegel, Jerome M. "Sleep." Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Standard CD-ROM. Redmond: Microsoft, 2004. Why Do We Need To Sleep So Much? 2004. MSNBC Interactive. 1 April 2004 <>.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The French Revolution :: European Europe History

The French Revolution Thesis: The French Revolution was a crucial event in Western History, and possibly the single most crucial influence on British intellectual, philosophical, and political life in the nineteenth century. The French Revolution was a crucial event in Western History, and possibly the single most crucial influence on British intellectual, philosophical, and political life in the nineteenth century. It presented itself as a triumph in its early stages but later proved to be a revolution of senseless revenge. With a mob composed of mainly animals, like Madame Defarge, the French Revolution is one of the most barbaric periods recorded in history. The French Revolution began in 1789 when the States General met May 5. June the seventeenth the National Assembly was declared. Then a gang of angry, mistreated peasants stormed the Bastille and murdered numerous aristocrats. As a precaution, Louis XVI and the Royal Family were removed from Versailles to Paris. The King attempted, but failed, to flee Paris for Varennes in June 1791; he was captured. The Legislative Assembly sat from October 1791 until September 1792, when, in the face of the advance of allied armies, it was replaced by the National Convention, and the National Convention proclaimed the Republic. The King was brought to trial, found guilty, and executed on January 21, 1793. In February, war was declared against Britain, Holland and Spain. The Revolution heightened. After the execution of the King, the Committee of Public Safety and the Revolutionary Tribunal were created. The most horrific time was still to come. The reign of terror, during which the ruling faction ruthlessly exterminated all potential enemies, began in September and lasted until the fall of Robesoierre on July 27. During the last six weeks of the terror, nearly fourteen hundred people were murdered in the guillotine. On October 16, Marie Antoinette was executed, and many others followed her. The revolution began to invade people's lives deeper and deeper. In November of 1793, the worship of God was abolished and the cult of Reason took its place. Battle followed battle; the Revolution raged on devouring everyone in its path. Things finally came to a halt when Napoleon Buoneparte became Emperor on May of 1804.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Peoples Attitudes towards Climate Change

I. IntroductionClimate Change or Global warming is the increase of the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere (Harvey, 2012). Ironically, â€Å"It is not climate change that is our problem, but the attitude of people that should be addressing the problem† (Fernandez, 2012). Most previous studies evaluating the cause of awareness to the people towards the climate change is the effects of people’s attitude towards climate change (Gallup, 2008; Barret & Dannenberg, 2012).Most of the studies confirm the explicit and implicit attitudes towards climate change suggest targeting hidden thoughts a better way to change people’s behavior (Corner, 2010; Kormos & McIntyre, 2011). There are also findings that proved the countries to firm one another to build human activities to wards climate change.This paper is intended to transport cognizance on the necessary ideas on what are the people’s perception towards climate change that have been affected the existence of the of the mother nature and all the life form that exist in this world.A. ObjectivesThe students intend to:1. To Discuss the nature climate change and its causes;2. To provide data supporting that there are causes and effects in every peoples attitude towards climate change;3. To determine the authenticity of the claim that there are causes and effects in every peoples attitude towards climate change; and4. To associate the findings to the personal lives of parents and children in particular and to the people in generalB. Significance of the studyThis study aims to expound the effectiveness of people’s attitude towards climate change in enhancing human activities for the global benefit of the world. It creates a goal to the students, instructors, children and parents which provide them more intellectual improvement in their years of existence.People’s attitude towards climate change evidently influences many positive effects although there are also negative effects, in order to explain the level of peoples attitude towards climate change, this paper would like to be evident to the fact that climate change does exist to the occurrences of people’s conditional attitude towards climate change.C. Definition of termsIn order to understand clearly the subject matter, we define the following key concepts:Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years, it may be a change in average weather conditions , or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (example: more or  fewer extreme weather events).Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a measure within a social psychology designed to detect strength of a person’s automatic association between mental representations of the objects (concepts) in memory. Anthony Greenwald, Debbie McGhee, and Jordan Schwartz introduced the IAT in scientific literature in 1998.Peoples Attitude is determine more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristics, it is to say that surroundings and situation have great impact on people’s attitude.Socioeconomic Status (SES) is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person’s work experience and of individuals or families economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education and occupation.II. Nature of Climate ChangeIt is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide.Hence, estimates of the earth’s changing carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (top) and Antarctic temperature (bottom), based on analysis of ice core data extending back 800,000 years. Until the past century, natural factors caused atmospheric CO2 concentrations to vary within a range of about 180 to 300 parts per million by volume (ppmv).In addition, warmer periods coincide with periods of relatively high CO2 concentrations. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased by almost 40% since pre-industrial times, from approximately 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in the 18th century to 390 ppmv in 2010. The current CO2 level is higher than it has been in at least 800,000 years. Some volcanic  eruptions released large quantities of CO2 in the distant past. However, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported last 2011 that human activities now emit more than 135 times as much CO2 does as volcanoes each year.However, human activities like greenhouse gases, currently release over 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmospher e every year.This build-up in the atmosphere is like a tub filling with water, where more water flows from the faucet than the drain can take away.Moreover, methane is produce through both natural and human activities. For example, natural wetlands, agricultural activities, and fossil fuel extraction and transport all emit CH4.Methane is more abundant in Earth’s atmosphere now than at any time in at least the past 650,000 years. [2] Due to human activities, CH4concentrations increased sharply during most of the 20th century and are now more than two-and-a-half time’s pre-industrial levels. In recent decades, the rate of increase has slowed considerably.Nitrous oxide is produce through natural and human activities, mainly through agricultural activities and natural biological processes. Fuel burning and some other processes also create N2O. Concentrations of N2O have risen approximately 18% since the start of the Industrial Revolution, with a relatively rapid increase t owards the end of the 20th century.In contrast, the atmospheric concentration of N2O varied only slightly for a period of 11,500 years before the onset of the industrial period.III. How does Climate Change Work?The Kyoto ProtocolThe Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The UNFCCC is an environmental treaty with the goal of preventing â€Å"dangerous† anthropogenic (example: human-induced) interference of the climate system.One hundred ninety countries are United Nation members, except Afghanistan, Andorra, Canada, South Sudan and the United States. The United States signed but did not ratify the Protocol and Canada withdrew from it in 2011. The Protocol was adopt by Parties to the UNFCCC in 1997, and entered into force in 2005.As part of the Kyoto Protocol, many developed countries have agreed to legally binding limitations/reductions in their emissions of greenhouse gases in two commitments periods. The first commitment period applies to emissions 2008-2012, and the second commitment period applies to emissions 2013-2020. The protocol was amended in 2012 to accommodate the second commitment period, but this amendment has (as of January 2013) not entered into legal force.On the other hand, 37 countries with binding targets in the second commitment period are Australia, all members of the European Union, Belarus, Croatia, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Norway, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine have stated that they may withdraw from the Protocol or not put into legal force the Amendment with second round targets.Moreover, Japan, New Zealand, and Russia have participated in Kyoto's first round but have not taken on new targets in the second commitment period. Other developed countries without second-round targets are Canada (which withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol in 2012 ) and the United States (which has not ratified the Protocol).Thus, international emissions trading allow developed countries to trade their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. They can trade emissions quotas among themselves, and can receive credit for financing emissions reductions in developing countries. Developed countries may use emissions trading until late 2014 or 2015 to meet their first-round targets.Developing countries do not have binding targets under the Kyoto Protocol, but are still committed under the treaty to reduce their emissions.Actions  taken by developed and developing countries to reduce emissions include support for renewable, improving energy efficiency, and reducing deforestation. Under the Protocol, emissions of developing countries are authorized to grow in accordance with their development needs.The treaty recognizes that developed countries have contributed the most to the anthropogenic build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (around 77% of em issions between 1750 and 2004), and that carbon dioxide emissions per person in developing countries (2.9 tons in 2010) are, on average, lower than emissions per person in developed countries (10.4 tons in 2010).Because, a number of developed countries have commented that the Kyoto targets only apply to a small share of annual global emissions. Countries with second-round Kyoto targets made up 13.4% of annual global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in 2010.[27] Many developing countries have emphasized the need for developed countries to have strong, binding emissions targets. At the global scale, existing policies appear to be too weak to prevent global warming exceeding 2 or 1.5 degrees Celsius, relative to the pre-industrial level (King, D., et al., 2011;)IV. Providing Data Supporting the Claim that there are Causes and Effect in every people attitudes towards climate change.In the study conducted by The World Bank’s World Development Report 2010 on Climate Change an d Development commissioned on international poll of public attitudes to climate change their findings indicate that attitudes on international cooperation on climate change results in one thought, that if their countries acted, other countries would be encouraged to act as well. Should an agreement on cutting emissions emerge from the Copenhagen meeting, very large majorities in all 15 countries said their nation should commit to cut emissions as part of the agreement.Then, if such an agreement does not emerge, majorities in 14 countries and a plurality in one still thought their nation would have a responsibility to act.Effect of one country’s example on others one overhanging question in  the difficult global process of forming measures against climate change is the power of example and mutual efforts: if some nations lead, will others be inclined to follow—not only on a world scale, but also regionally, or among neighboring countries?Furthermore, respondents were asked whether they thought, â€Å"That if our country takes steps to deal with the problem of climate change, other countries would then be more willing to act, or do you think it wouldn’t make much difference?.Similarly, in 14 of 15 countries, majorities thought the example of their country acting would affect other countries’ willingness positively—and in Russia, a plurality thought so (47% to 32%).For that reason, an average of 68% in all 15 countries thought other countries will be affected by their example, and only 24% did not developed countries that have smaller majorities believed in the power of their example, while many developing countries showed much more confidence in it.Thus Bangladesh, Senegal, Kenya, Indonesia and Vietnam all had majorities of 79% or higher who thought that if their country took such steps, other countries would be then more willing to act.In addition, Mexico, Iran and China were almost as confident (all at 73%). Egypt (66%) an d India (61%) had substantial majorities thinking so; France was similar at 63%.However, Japan, the United States and Russia were all significantly less confident that their example would make any difference. In Japan, 54% thought their example would encourage other countries, while 46% did not; in the US 52% thought it would make a difference, while 46% did not; and in Russia 47% thought it would, and 32% that it would not.WhereasGallup conducted the first comprehensive survey of global opinions about climate change, posing two questions to respondents in 128 countries: 1) how much you know about global warming or climate change.Moreover 2) How serious of a threat is globalwarmingto you and your family?Gallup finds that a majority of the world's adult population is aware of the climate change issue, but a substantial minority is not aware.Further, those who are aware are more likely to say climate change poses a serious threat to themselves and their families. Results vary by regio n and among each of the top five greenhouse gas-emitting countries, underscoring the challenges leaders face in reaching a global climate agreement.Regionally, people in Europe and the Americas (which includes North, South, and Central America) are the most likely to be aware of climate change. More than 8 in 10 adults in Europe and the Americas say they know at least something about climate change.Fish Ponds Cause the brunt of typhoons â€Å"Pedring† and Quiel†.It is one of the major reasons of a prolonged flooding in residential and rural areas in the plains of Bulacan and Pampanga because of the proliferation of fishponds and aquaculture projects in the major waterways, thus, this result to the slowed flow of the water from the typhoon and dams.On the other hand, cities of Butuan and Cotabato experiencing the prolonged flood because of the rivers that is clog by water lilies.Similarly, the city of Cotabato experienced the said problem because of the industries that p olluted the river with nitrates which induce the growth of lilies to cause a certain scenario.Implicit Association TestUsing the Implicit Association Test (IAT), developed in the 1990s and now widely used in social psychology, Geoffrey Beattie and Laura McGuire at Manchester University asked whether people's â€Å"explicit† attitudes (the responses people give in surveys and opinion polls) or their â€Å"implicit†Ã‚  attitudes (which can only be revealed by people's reaction times on a specially designed task) best predicted the amount of attention they paid to iconic images of climate change.Situational SurveyParticipants were asked to rate how much they agreed with statements such as: â€Å"I prefer a product with a low carbon footprint†. But they also completed an IAT where they had to assign a series of positive or negative terms to the target category of â€Å"low carbon footprint†. The researchers then showed them a series of images, some of which w ere iconic negative images of climate change (for example, a stranded polar bear), some of which were positive images of nature (for example, a field of sunflowers), and some of which were everyday household objects. Intermingled across a series of slides, participants could choose which images to look at.The results were striking:Only implicit attitudes predicted how long people looked at iconic images of climate change. It did not matter if people had expressed a positive explicit attitude towards low-carbon products. Only people with strongly positive implicit attitudes (i.e. the people with quick reaction times between positive terms and the low carbon footprint category) chose to linger on the climate change images.These findings suggest that even people who express a high degree of concern about climate change, or who claim a great deal of interest in low-carbon products, may actually be unconsciously shielding themselves from imagery associated with climate change and by exte nsion, a deeper reflection on how to change their behavior in response to it.What about interpreting the Climate Change as an emergency?People also reject climate change because of other commitments in their life. If climate change is real, that might mean we need to change how we live. If  we don’t want to change, that can influence our thinking all the way back up to whether we consider the issue a problem. Broadly, you can call this motivated reasoning(Nordhaus, and Shaw, 1994)Psychologists recognize that people have a complex set of social identities based on their age, gender, religion and many other groups. These memberships drive attitudes, feelings and behavior. Social identity exists whenever a person feels they are a member and feels a sense of psychological identification with a group (Latane,& Darley, 1968)Political party is a powerful social identity that informs how people think about themselves and the world. Following this very brief description of social id entity theory, consider how political party shapes how we process incoming information. It’s not easy to go against your political party, because you can be derogated and excluded from the group. It’s uncomfortable to feel social influence and not go along. Political identification matters in evaluating information on climate change (Frant & Mayer, 2009).V. Implication of the studyPeople cannot change their attitude towards climate change if their socioeconomic status (SES) priority on climate change is not on their list of commitments in life. Someone must encourage them to change their belief in their attitudes towards climate change. Through the interaction with the media, people in the society will be aware on how climate change got worst in this time of decade.Hence, creatinga law that will be a major concern of the people, and implement it to all citizens that live on a certain country that implement such law. As a result people may continue their attention and c ould gain more as they interact with the intellect of climate change just like a footprint in wet cement, it hardens as it goes by, thereby, and there should be a good footprint to leave so they could have much better through thedevelopment.VI. ConclusionWe arrived with a conclusion that Global Climate Change is a fact, although there are skeptics in no way a majority group. That is why governments around the world have reacted to this growing threat nearest major climatic changes that may put their economies at risk.People Attitudes towards Global Climate Change, on the other hand, has made it very clear globalization of pressing environmental issues if it is not a company that involves all nations. Population pressure and development taken by most developed nations along with developing nations placed increasing pressure on natural resources and environmental systems on land.At present, the self-regulatory capacity of the atmosphere are carried to their limits and according to man y, surpassed. It is not sound policy, for humanity, let the search for solutions for the future or if they are strongly needed. The atmosphere and the processes that maintain their characteristics are not very fast reaction times compared with the periods humans.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Culture and Health Promotion Essay

Madeline Leininger is the nurse and anthropologist who first developed the theory of addressing the needs of the whole person within their culture, heritage and traditions. Her book, Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, and Practice (1978), gave rise to an area of nursing practice that has become known as transcultural care. Nurses continue to develop tools to assess the nature of an individual’s culture, traditions and heritage. The Heritage Assessment Tool, developed by Rachel Spector (2000, figure 6-1), identifies language preference, family dynamic, religious practices, educational background, and social standing. The information gathered from the heritage assessment combined with further dialog will allow the nurse to implement an indivualized, culturally competent plan of care. The heritage assessment tool was utilized as part of a series of interviews comparing the health traditions of subjects from three different cultures. The focus of the interview was health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. Subject one is a 46 year old Hispanic female. Her paternal great-grandmother was born in a small village in Spain. Her maternal great-grand father’s was born in Mexico. It is interesting to note that while she has both Mexican and Spanish lineage, she most strongly identified with the Spanish side of her heritage. She clearly indicated she and her family spoke Castilian Spanish, not Mexican Spanish. Both sets of her grandparents and parents were born in the United States of America (U.S.A.). Her father and grandparents are bilingual, and come from a large family of 16 children. Her grandparents had very little formal education; her father attended school. Her mother was from a family of 4 children and speaks  Spanish as a second language. She received formal education and was a college graduate. Twenty years ago, both sides of this family lived in rural areas and in close proximity but have since dispersed across the country for employment opportunities. This subject’s family has a strong tradition of beliefs and non-traditional methods for health protection. They did not routinely seek out a physician but rather relied on herbalists and folk remedies. There was a strong spiritual component to this family’s traditions. Prayers, lighting candles during church services and saying novenas or the rosary were all considered to be important to health protection .With regards to health restoration; the subject’s paternal grandmother had a firm belief in â€Å"mal ojo† or the evil eye. When sickness occurred, it was due to â€Å"mal ojo† transmitting sickness through jealousy either consciously or unconsciously. Her grandmother believed many illnesses were the result of â€Å"mal ojo† and could be reversed through prayer and placing a bowl of hard boiled eggs near the sick person to â€Å"pull out the mal ojo†. In addition to prayer, teas were consumed for nausea or upset stomach; eucalyptus salve was applied to the chest for colds or respiratory infections, and mercurochrome was applied to any scrapes, b ruises, insect bites or reddened areas on the skin. Food was an important part of health maintenance for this family. The subject’s mother and grandmother both provided all the family meals which consisted primarily of fish, wild game and steamed vegetables. Food was never fried, and wheat germ was added to most foods, including desserts. The subject relayed that in recent years her family has moved into a suburban setting. Her grandparents now seek regular care from a physician. They also have mostly abandoned the folk remedies previously preferred and now use pharmaceuticals for health restoration. Prayer remains a large part of this family culture (P. Sanchez, personal communication, January 28, 2012). Subject two is a 46 year old Asian-American female of Chinese heritage. She has no knowledge of her grandparents who are deceased. The entire family migrated to the USA when the subject was three years of age. She is the youngest of three siblings, all of whom live within the same city. It is of interest that all the girls in this family have traded their Chinese names for western names and have married outside their race to men of Caucasian, non-Hispanic origin. In spite of this, the family maintains a strong culture of family unity and  respect for their ancestors. Neither her mother nor father read or write English; therefore, Chinese is the language spoken when communicating at home. All the children and grandchildren are bilingual. The subject shares caretaking responsibility for her parents with her sisters. To protect health, they practice healthy eating habits and engage in regular exercise. The subject’s parents walk daily, and practice tai chi. They drink warm water after each meal to ensure good digestion. In the event of illness, several cures are used to restore health. To reduce a fever, drinking cool water is believed to be effective. To alleviate a sore throat or cough, a vinegar and warm water gargle; for headache, cold compresses on the forehead and back of neck with massage; for body aches or pain, rest with meditation is the preferred remedy. To maintain health, this family again relies on exercise, meditation, and the use of herbal supplements and teas. Mint is used for digestion, ginger is used for energy. The subject shares that her parents are now receiving Medicare benefits and they engage in primary health prevention by receiving the influenza vaccine and yearly physical examinations (C. C. Lu, personal communication, January 31, 2012). This student was the third subject. She is a 55 year old Caucasian of Scottish heritage. Her mother’s side of the family is of German Descent and her father’s side is of Scottish descent. She is strongly identified with her heritage and culture as all of her family on both sides were born and lived in West Virginia. Her mother was one of six siblings; her father an only child. This subject was the oldest of three siblings. The extended family unit was active in the same church and participated in many of the same social activities. They took family vacations and were together for most holidays and birthdays. Her father and grandfather were both professionals; her grandfather worked as a teacher, her father as an engineer. Both her grandmother and mother were homemakers. English is the only language spoken in this family. To protect health, this family used a combination of folk remedies and primary physician care. Both she and her siblings were immunized as babies and r eceived yearly physical and dental exams. However, prior to seeking medical care for health restoration, her grandmother and mother would utilize herbal and folk remedies to include warm salt water gargle for sore throat, cool compresses to reduce fever, or eucalyptus salve combined with inhaling steam for upper respiratory infections. Mineral oil  was used to relieve ear aches and baking soda was dissolved mixed with warm water and then drank to cure indigestion. Hot chicken soup was a cure all for any type of sickness. Food was also an important part of health maintenance for this family. Her grandmother maintained a large garden and several fruit trees. She preserved every variety of vegetable and fruit and taught this skill to the subject. The family also would join together to purchase a whole cow and have it butchered. Meals were simple and wholesome. Exercise in this family was not structured but every member participated in some type of physical activity through school, work or church. In conclusion, all three families interviewed have similar health traditions. Two of the three have strong religious traditions. All three use herbal and folk remedies in much the same way. The interviews revealed a pattern of change in tradition that appears to be based on education, and access to western based medicine. As the family units evolved through marriage, immigration, or education, their reliance on western medicine increased. However, the use of folk remedies were not completely abandoned and continued to be viewed as an important component in achieving and maintaining wellness. By including the health traditions in the nursing plan of care and teaching, the needs of the whole person can be addressed: Culturally competent nursing is achieved. References Leininger, M. (1978). Transcultural nursing: Concepts, theories and practice. New York: Wiley. Spector, R. E. (2000). CultureCare: Guide to heritage assessment and health traditions (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education/PH College.

Present Day Business Condition

In present day business condition, learning is the most vital asset, data with respect to rivalry predominantly concerned their piece of the overall industry and offer, appeared to be a palatable volume of data. These days requires data about the opposition. These data allude not exclusively to contenders piece of the overall industry and their offer, yet additionally to the level and structure of their costs, items and administrations quality-value relations, deals volume, extent of exercises, money streams, liquidity, dissolvability and productivity. Building data framework that backings the administration and basic leadership, and that can be a wellspring of aggressive edge, isn't a simple errand. Issue is the way to get quality and helpful data. In the present business focus, there are huge amounts of things and organizations open to fulfill the necessities of individuals and associations. Your ability to perceive and mishandle the features and related favorable circumstances of your thing or advantage and show how it is one of a kind or better than anything the resistance will outfit you with an engaged edge. The edge or favored angle will outfit your firm with the instruments to: Augmentation arrangements and bit of the pie. Upgrade general incomes for a given time period in new or existing markets. Assurance your survival in to an awesome degree centered markets. Become hard-to-copy advancing mixes. An Aggressive EDGE : To start, you ought to amass each one of the data assembled about your target showcase designs, customers, things and contenders. Recorded different market design components is a structure of the distinctive market plan segments you should study to distinguish your focused edge. Every association must have no short of what one ideal position to adequately fight in the market. In case an association can't recognize one or essentially doesn't have it, contenders soon beat it and power the business to leave the market. There are various ways to deal with achieve the ideal position however only two key sorts of it: cost or division advantage. An association that can achieve predominance in cost or partition can offer customers the things at cut down costs or with more elevated amount of detachment or more all, can fight with its adversaries. Foundation: Right off the bat the recognizable proof of your association's qualities and shortcomings is an essential errand that should be proficient before any focused edge can be created. The forceful edge your firm picks will depend upon the reasons your customer will buy a particular thing or organization. An upper hand implies you have to offer a few things your rivals don't. You have to recognize what it is your rivals do well, and don't do well. For example, if your resistance has one recipe that various customers go to that diner for, essentially imitating their equation won't add to your high ground. Instead of trying to copy your adversary's purposes of intrigue, invigorate your own specific to make a unique course of action of characteristics that can't be imitated. There's no convincing motivation to enroll some individual to do what you can do yourself, however consider using research firms to find information that isn't unreservedly open. Here are two or three instruments you can use to secure forceful information. Online outputs are a quick method for finding forceful information. Regardless, this chase will simply give information that has been made open. On area view of the contender's stopping territory, customer organization, volume and case of suppliers' transports, et cetera can yield significant information about the state of the contender's business. Outlines and gatherings can yield a great deal of data about contenders and things. Research surveys and focus gathering interviews generally give more all around perspectives from an obliged case. Forceful benchmarking is used to take a gander at the affiliation's exercises against those of its adversaries. In making specific connections inside an industry, an affiliation grabs information about customary publicizing practices, available workforce, and suppliers. Issues to Increase Aggressive Edge over your Rival in Business: Competition is awesome. For sure, a sound rivalry incites you to work more splendid with the advantages you have. To do thusly, utilize your gathering's intriguing blessings and build a business contenders wouldn't set out test. Despite whether distinctive associations in your industry attempt to undermine your expenses and take your customers, contemplate ways they can empower your startup to create.Keeping up a vital separation from absence of concern. Sole suppliers in an industry quickly quit progressing basically in light of the way that they never again have any need to. Tragically, they accidentally center around keeping up the current situation. Contenders have a penchant for keeping you on your toes.Building brand clout. Make it your focal objective to develop as the primary pro in your space of capacity. Your social event of individuals will value your thought expert and regularly pick you over various merchant s.Making care. Enemies compel you to assess your characteristics and deficiencies. Use your superpowers to make a more uncommon motivating force to customers. Grasp your shortcomings and find ways to deal with overcome them.Enabling partition. Contenders will dependably endeavor to offer better customer advantage, thing quality and advancing. In sound markets, buyers will ask for the best solutions for their specific needs. Isolate your commitments with the target of influencing gigantic motivating force for the customers you to serve.Mishandling industry designs. Contention signals strong client ask. It offers endorsement to what you are doing. In new markets, this is an opportunity to propel a creating design that will get buyers and the media amped up for your work.Molding startling affiliations. Make associations together with comparative associations. Exchange development and mechanical assemblies, expand the general market, cross propel each other's things and collaborate on n ovel research to educate purchasers. Perhaps one day, you may merge with, or pick up, your most noteworthy adversary.Shared learning. Watch the resistance intentionally. The learning and resources they have may be both favored and unmistakable over yours. Viably pick up from how they direct and build up their undertaking. A little while later, you will discover ways to deal with apply those lessons made sense of how to your business.Narrowing down a claim to fame. Some person will reliably be better than you at something – and that is okay. Customers justify the best things and organizations to fulfill their individual needs. To make a gainful business, focus your undertakings on making a smaller part of the general market astoundingly cheery. By narrowing your claim to fame, you develop a forceful edge that averts advance contention.Masterminding whole deal. Without contenders, most firms lose all ability to read a compass in the ordinary exercise of keeping up their busines s. As various associations join the market, you should start testing yourself to accomplish more.Sorting out customer needs. Instead of focusing your imperativeness on surpassing the restriction, place assets into moving toward a customer driven affiliation. Thusly, you will help buyer reliability and easily shield against powerful suppliers or dealers objective on taking your clients. By the day's end, it is your customers – not your opponent – who can speak to the choosing minute your business.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

From Mobilization to Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

From Mobilization to Revolution - Essay Example Nationalist sentiments among nation-states turned to the acquisition of territory and prestige which led them to imperial adventurism. Nationalism had much to do with the outbreak of World War I. The defeat of the Axis powers after the Great War also saw the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Many of their former territories became independent nations through treaties after the war, and the Paris Peace Conference firmly placed the principle of national self-determination and equality among nations (Columbia Encyclopedia). Napoleon was the dominating force in Europe by the end of the 18th century. The French emperor created the Confederation of the Rhine which grouped the individual German states bringing them together for the first time. This conglomeration of formerly separate states brought about a rise in nationalism which started in the northern states. After Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Leipzig by Russia, Prussia, Britain and Austria, this Confederation also collapsed. Napoleon's defeat brought about the beginning of the Congress of Vienna which was formed to restore the balance of power in Europe and ensure that France would be unable to once again expand beyond its pre-war boundaries. The countries who participated in Leipzig were the principal players in the Congress of Vienna. Lands which formerly formed part of the French Empire were partitioned among the victorious powers. Prussia traded the Grand Duchy of Warsaw for Saxony with Russia. The other powers became anxious with the growin g power of Prussia, and so it agreed to take only two-fifths of Saxony to prevent the formation of a coalition against it by the other powers. The Coalition then created the German Confederation which was similar to the Confederation of the Rhine, under the leadership of Austria. The four major powers of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Britain then became the first European Council and they would meet to discuss the keeping of peace in Europe.The Austrian prince Metternich established a co0nservative and reactionary system which effectively undermined the liberalism introduced during the age of Napoleon. Nationalistic tendencies which harked from the Confederation of the Rhine were squelched. However, liberalism began to resurface after several years of oppression from the Metternich administration. Uprisings were begun by liberals and peasants in the German states seeking reforms. The individual princes of the German states were caught unprepared by these radical movements and were fo rced to grant parliaments and constitutions, eliminating feudal structures and appointing liberal ministries. The liberal revolutionaries created the National Assembly which intended to unify the whole of Germany as a liberal and constitutional state. After disagreeing with Austria, Prussia tried to unify Germany under the klienduetsch plan which involved the unification of all German states with the exclusion of Austria and under Prussian leadership. The Assembly finalized the constitution in 1848 with King Frederick William appointed as Germany's first emperor. However, the National Assembly did not wield enough power to see its plans through and eventually Frederick cancelled the constitution and invoked his divine right to rule Germany.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

War between China and Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

War between China and Japan - Essay Example The main countries, China and Japan, continue to stoke the embers of the war till today with China seething at the trauma and humiliation caused to her. Their relationship has not thawed even after an official apology offered by Junichiro Koizumi, former prime minister of Japan. (Jin Ni). The brutality of Japan, the power struggle in China during this period, and the resilience or annihilation with which the native Chinese faced it are all succinctly summarized in films like Devils on the Doorstep and The Last Emperor. During the time the war was being waged, China was a divided nation with warlords in different regions more keen on consolidating their own position and interests. Some of them even openly sided with the invading Japanese troops for political gains and military supremacy in the region. The National Revolutionary Army, successor to the erstwhile Kuomintang Army, founded by General Chiang Kai-shek succeeded in unifying the belligerent factions in 1928. However, it was weak motley whose only purpose was to repel the atrocious Japanese invaders. They had no real desire to defend the nation and only wanted to drive out the Japanese so that they could carry on with their bellicosity with their neighboring warlords afterwards. Moreover, the National Army had to contend with ominous threats from the communists. In fact, Chiang Kai-shek was aware the threat posed by the communists was even more dangerous than the conflict with Japan. The Red Army of the communists in China fought Japan as part of the National Revolutionary Army. However, the wily Mao Zedong was gingerly sowing seeds of power entrapment through coercive and overtly strong arm tactics. He got the large segment of the peasant population to his side by reducing taxes and other reforms. The preparations were afoot with both sides waiting for the final showdown after World War II to see who would emerge as winners. (MacGowan, J). 3. Outside powers China's meager weaponry consisted of the artillery and ammunition provided by Germany. Others like Russia, Britain and the USA joined in at the closing stages. They did not wish to get involved in a fight taking place thousands of miles away from their own shores at the cost of their own defense. Russia and Britain initially refused to get involved due to their own problems with the Axis powers. The USA was not keen on fighting a war in somebody else's land. 4. Films on the war Produced by Jiang Wen, Devils on the Doorstep highlights the horrors of the war with a brilliant mix of facts and humor. Set in the climes of a farming village, the film simmers and smolders with interactions between humble local farmers and the malevolent Japanese occupiers. The events, dialogues and interpretations between the simple residents and the no-nonsense predators are ensconced in the humor of an hapless interpreter caught between a suicidal Japanese captive and their ignoble bloodthirsty captors.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Enhancing the Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enhancing the Marketing Plan - Essay Example Further, the macro environmental factors will also be considered in the paper to understand the significant trend which can impact on the business of the company. Company’s Competitor Geno's Sports Apparel deals in athletic footwear and apparel products and seeks to achieve higher sales and good brand reputation. The athletic footwear and apparel industry is considered as highly competitive as there are several big players in the market where Geno’s Sports Apparel operates. The major competitor of Geno’s Sports Apparel in terms of athletic footwear products is Finish Line which operates in the similar marketing segment. Besides Finish Line, Geno’s Sports Apparel also faces a direct competition from other athletic goods providing organizations such as Payless ShoeSource, Dick’s Sporting Goods among others. The major strengths of Finish Line, one of the biggest competitors is the ability to understand the preferences of customers and act accordingly. Thus, the company offers coupons and discounts to the customers to increase sales. Finish line is much concerned about promoting latest products to the customers. The major weakness of Finish Line has been the number of retail outlets. The number of stores of Finish Line is less which creates difficulty for the company to distribute products effectively. Besides, providing newest products can also cost more and are inefficient in this business environment as many customers can concentrate on saving money and purchasing inexpensive products due to economic downturn (Sweeney, 2009). The other competitors named Payless ShoeSource have good geographic location which provides the company a competitive advantage. Its business is expanded in almost 50 counties within the international market. Payless ShoeSource has great financial strength which helps to spread the business globally. Besides, the sales in women’s shoe category are strong and the company has also strong position in t he market of the USA. The major weakness of Payless ShoeSource is higher fixed cost which led to lower profit margin. Furthermore, the company experienced huge amount of loss due to surplus inventory. The business of Payless ShoeSource is highly reliant on third party producers which make the company much vulnerable to survive in the competitive market (Cullin, 2007). Differentiation of Products Differentiation is necessary in order to improve the business and develop a unique brand identity. The main differentiation of Geno’s Sports Apparel with respect to the other competitors is the innovative marketing strategy. Geno’s Sports Apparel will provide tailored retailing programs and develop exclusive store atmosphere which replicates a distinct retailing style than other rivals. The effective enactment of this strategy helps the company to increase the customer base and preserve brand reliability. Geno’s Sports Apparel can also differentiates the brand from close st competitor Finish Line through providing customers with ranges of athletic attires which are designed according to their requirement. The company needs to offer focused collection of sports equipments to the customers which is the other differentiating factor (Sweeney, 2009). Through the advanced marketing communication strategies, such as implementing good customer service model, Geno’

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Factors Influencing the Increase in Temporary Employment Essay

Factors Influencing the Increase in Temporary Employment - Essay Example Temporary employees subsume all forms of non-standard or contingent employment, including part time and contract workers. Originating early in the 1980s, temporary employment has been on a constant rise not just in the United States, but across Europe and the developed world (Hardy and Walker, 2003 p.141) According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the growth in temporary employment through the 1990s was dramatic (Golden And Appelbaum 1992 p.473). A survey carried out late in the 1990s indicated that approximately 90% of U.S business and about 95% of the Fortune 500 firms employed temporary employees or used the services of temporary employment agencies. This rise in the demand and supply of temporary employment is unprecedented. Though, temporary employment used to be restricted to clerical and office jobs, its growth has now encompassed almost every job type. Areas that have witnessed raid increase in temporary employment includes professional, services and technological corporations. However, companies use temporary employees to fill vacancies caused by employee absentee, special assignments, seasonal work increases and temporary workers shortages. In addition, employers often make use of temporary employee to fill staff vacancies when they do not intend to increase the ir staff strength (Temporary Employment, 2005). The first te... employers often make use of temporary employee to fill staff vacancies when they do not intend to increase their staff strength (Temporary Employment, 2005). Background of problem: The first temporary employment firms began operations in the 1940s. It was not until the 1980s and 1990s, however, that temporary employment grew rapidly. Annual average temporary employment grew from 340,000 in 1978 to 695,000 by 1985, increasing three times faster than total service sector employment and eight times faster than total nonagricultural employment. The temporary employment industry experienced its most explosive growth in the early 1990s, expanding by an average of 17 percent a year. Annual average temporary employment rose to 2.2 million workers by 1996 and to nearly 2.8 million by 1998 with an annual growth rate of about 9 percent. Between 1992 and 1998, 18.4 million non-agricultural jobs were added to the U.S. economy. Temporary employment accounted for 1.4 million of these jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS predicts that the temporary employment will increase by 53 percent by 2006, making it one of the most rapidly expanding indu stries. Overall, temporary employment accounts for about 2 percent of the country's employment. In the late 1990s, temporary employment agencies began investing greater more in training employees for their assignments. A NATSS survey from 1998 reported that temporary employment agencies spent $720 million on training 1997, in contrast to only $260 million in 1995. The survey also indicated that 4.8 million workers participated in the training programs and that about 90 percent of all temporary employment agencies provide training for free. Statement of the problem: This section of the research put the

Friday, October 4, 2019

LOVE Enhancing the Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

LOVE Enhancing the Marketing Plan - Essay Example McDonald’s has over 14,000 stores in the United States and 32737 overall (Jargon, 2011). One of the strengths of McDonald’s is its wide variety of food items in the menu. The second strength McDonald’s has is its outstanding financial performance. In 2010, McDonald’s generated total revenues of $24,075 billion and net income of $4,946 billion (Aboutmcdonalds, 2011). The third strength of McDonald’s is its outstanding customer reach. McDonald’s serves over 64 million customers daily. The main weakness McDonald’s has is the high fat content of most of the items in its menu. The second major competitor in the food industry is Subway. Subway last year surpassed McDonalds as the fast food restaurant with the most franchises worldwide. Today Subway has 36,671 stores across 99 countries (Subway, 2011). Subway has multiple strengths that have made this franchise a complete success. The organization has a tremendous executive management team. D uring the last decade the franchise has been growing at an outstanding rate. The second strength of Subway is the quality of its food. Subway meals are low on calories and low on fat. The third strength of Subway is the fact that company lets its customers customize its sandwiches. The fourth strength of the company is its outstanding advertising. ... The major strength of pizza food trucks is the product’s appeal. Pizza is the favorite meal of Americans. The average American eats 46 slices of pizza each year (Mamadelucaspizza, 2007). The second strength of pizza trucks is competitive pricing. The con of the food cooked in pizza trucks is its extremely high fat content. 2) Thoroughly discuss how you plan to differentiate your company from the closest competitor and why? The closest competitor to 360UP is pizza truck vendors. 360UP will utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate the business. One of the most important strategies that the company will utilize to differentiate itself from mobile pizza trucks is having a gourmet quality product. 360UP is a mobile fast food restaurant serving cuisines with tricky flavor combinations - American-Asian cuisines, Mexican-Asian food, Thai-Mediterranean and so on. The unique blend of different flavors all over the world will be served in affordable and easy to eat meals. Unlike pizza, the food served at 360UP is healthy and nutritional. A second differentiating factor that 360UP will utilize to outperform the competition is innovative marketing practices. The advertising initiatives of 360UP are going to help the company reach its marketing goals because more potential customers are going to realize of the existence of the firm’s products and services. 360UP will utilize social websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to communicate with its customers. Whenever the truck moves to any location, fans will be able to follow the movement of the food truck through Twitter. 360UP will implement socially conscious promotions, such as offering all senior citizens a 20% discount from the entire menu. Senior citizens have high disposable income because they

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Three Day Food Intake Paper Essay Example for Free

Three Day Food Intake Paper Essay The proper nutrition plays a major role in having good health. Without the proper nutrients the body cannot function proper and can open the body up to any number of disease like heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, obesity, anemia, and high blood pressure. During this three day intake this writer has learn about her eating habits and ways to improve them. Proteins The Daily Recommended Intake Report states this writer should be getting 102 to 356 grams of protein a day in her diet, but she is only getting 82 grams a day which is below the recommended range. This can be a problem if she does not get the recommended amounts her body needs. According, to the Office of Women’s Health (2008). Women need protein to help break down food for energy and breaking down toxins in the body. She can increase the amount of protein she gets by eating more red meats, eggs, nuts, peanut butter, beans, lentils, milk, and soy products. Carbohydrates The Daily Recommended Intake Report states this person should be getting 458 to 661 grams of carbohydrates a day in her diet. She is only getting 308 grams which is well below the The recommended amount for her body. Carbohydrates provides energy the cells in her brain, nervous system, and blood. It also, supplies her muscles while she exercise. Without carbohydrates her body will not have the energy it needs to proform properly. She can increase the carbohydrates she needs by eating more complex carbs like- salads and pastas. Also, staying away from the simple carbs like sugar. Lipids and Fiber The Daily Recommended Intake Report states this person should be getting less than 30 grams of fat in her diet a day. She is now getting 41. 3 grams of fat in a day. The American Heart Association (2013) recommends that a person should not eat more that 25 to 35 % of fat in their diet a day and of this amount no more than 7 percent of it should be saturated fats. This writer can reduce she total daily intake of fats by consuming more food that are low in saturated fats. Also, she can cook her foods with oils like corn oil, canola oil, and olive oil. We needed some fats in our diet to help provide a source of energy. It is also, used by the body to absorb certain vitamins from food we eat. This writer should be getting 25 grams of fiber a day in her diet (K. Zelman, 2011). Right now she is only getting 12 grams which is only 48. 2 % of the daily recommended amount. By not having the right amount of fiber in her diet can lead to constipation, higher LDL levels, and high blood sugar levels. In turn this can lead to colon cancer and diabetes. She can reduce her chances of these diseases by eating more dark green leafy vegetables, corn, nuts, whole wheat products, beans, and fruits. Dietary Modifications This writer has identify many patterns in her diet that need to be change in order to lose the extra weight that has put her at risk. She needs to eat more regularly and the right types of foods for her nutritional needs. She needs to get moving more and not just sit around the house doing nothing. She needs to add more fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water to her diet. She needs to stay away from the simple carbs and go for the more complex carbs that will help to give her the fuel that her body needs. According to Mary Fetzer (2012), â€Å"Fiber helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied and more in control of your appetite and weight. † This writer can help herself to achieve her goal of a healthy weight and body by making some modifications to her diet and life style. By eating more of the foods that help her to get all the vitamins, minerals, and water that her body need she can help herself to prevent heart disease, some cancers, diabetes , high blood pressure, kidney disease, high cholesterol (especially the levels of LDL the bad cholesterol). If she follow her plan to change her eating habits she can change her health for the better.