Thursday, December 26, 2019

Theme Of Myrrha And Cinyras - 1007 Words

In Sophocles, â€Å"Oedipus The King† and Ovid’s Metamorphoses: â€Å"Myrrha Cinyras†, both main characters were struck by tragedy. The characters of Oedipus (Oedipus The King) and Myrrha (Metamorphoses: â€Å"Myrrha Cinyras†) each were faced with terrible outcomes at the end of the two pieces of literature. Both Myrrha and Oedipus suffered tragic fates. However, Myrrha’s desire led to her downfall, while Oedipus had no control and was destined for a tragic life before birth. Myrrha’s character in â€Å"Myrrha and Cinyras† dealt with an emotional battle with her desire of Cinyras, her father, throughout the story, resulted in her tragic death. She was faced with an immoral dilemma of wanting her father as her lover. She goes back and forth in her†¦show more content†¦When the priest says, â€Å"You came to Thebes, you freed us from the tax we paid with our lives to that rasping Singer...we need now the great power men e verywhere know you possess. Find some way to protect us†(41-50), it exhibits how great of a leader and hero he was to the city. The deeper he searched for the man to end this plague, however, the more horrid it got. The more information he received, he began to connect the pieces from his past. Not only did he figure out the man he killed on the path was king Laios, but it was his biological father. His fear of the prophecy that the oracle told him was becoming true. play gets even more tragic as he realizes that the queen he had four children with was his mother, who kill herself before he finds the truth. Oedipus gauged his eyes outs after seeing her dead body. Oedipus was blinded from the truth his entire life. When he finally learned the truth about himself, it blinds him. Myrrha’s tragic fate was due to her desires. Her passion and lust for her father led to her death. While she did show signs of regret and was hesitant to get into the bed with her drunk father after the nurse’s manipulation worked, the lines from 564-566 prove otherwise. The lines state, â€Å"Filled with the seed of her father, she left his bedchamber having already conceived, in a crime against nature, which she repeated the following night and thereafter†(564-566), demonstrates that she did not regret herShow MoreRelated Ovids Devaluation of Sympathy in Metamorphoses Essay1777 Words   |  8 PagesMetamorphoses  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Ovid reveals two similar tales of incest in the Metamorphoses. First, he describes the non-sisterly love Byblis acquires for her twin brother Caunus. Later, he revisits the incestuous love theme with the story of Myrrha who develops a non-filial love for her father, Cinyras. The two accounts hold many similarities and elicit varying reactions. Ovid constantly tugs at our emotions and draws forth alternating feelings of pity and disgust for the matters at hand. Repetition with a

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Women Are Treated in India - 576 Words

In many parts of the world females still have very little rights. Indeed, equality between men and women have been accepted by the majority of the developed countries, but developing countries still struggle to see women as equals to men, and India is one of the worst. Currently, the Indian National Congress Party is only 10% female, limiting the say women get. In India, women are definitely not seen as equals to men are being treated like second rate citizens. It also really says something about the inequality in a country when its women are so used to being treated badly most of them do not even recognize that they have rights. In India, men were always valued more than women, which is why an estimated ten million female foetuses are aborted every year. The lack of females in areas leads to crimes like human trafficking for sexual reasons like giving birth to more children. Old traditions and beliefs are the main reasons to why millions of female foetuses are aborted every year, bu t it is also the reason behind bride burning, another serious issue in India. Bride burning, also known as dowry death occurs quite frequently in India. It is when the husband or the in-laws decide that the dowry the bride offers is not enough and demands more. If the bride refuses or is financially not able to increase her dowry, she is tortured until she either agrees or dies; otherwise she is murdered by her â€Å"family†. The husbands and the in-laws usually disguise the deaths as accidents orShow MoreRelatedIndian Culture : India s Economy And Cultural Change1704 Words   |  7 Pages In India approximately ninety-five percent of the marriages are prearranged by the wives family (Kulman). Once the Indian woman s parents pick her husband, then his house is now hers. 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In India, after marriage, men assume that women are likely to stay at home to take care of their families and cook while the men go to work. When I was young in India, I had two maids who raised me. After they were married, they could not work for us anymore because they were treated unequally.. As a child, I never understood that gender bias was a harsh way to tell women what to do and, when I came to The United States, I saw the same problem that I faced in India. However, â€Å"TheRead MoreThe Status of Women in India in the Past, Present and Future Essays1157 Words   |  5 Pagesserious ethical issues in India today. Gender inequality in India is described as a preferential treatment arising out of prejudice based on the gender. The aim of this research is to discuss the status of women in India in the past , present and future and discuss any political movements which took place in the society in order for Women to be regarded as equal. BODY India has always been one of the ancient civilizations to treat women with respect. Women in ancient India were held in high esteemRead MoreEssay on Sexual Exploitation of Women in India823 Words   |  4 Pagesliberal outlook and not to conquer those voices of freedom and liberty. The situation in India is alarming. Economic independence has exposed women to sexual exploitation in offices and other working places. They have become a saleable commodity in advertisements. The job of an air hostess is only that of a waitress or servant. There is lack of education for women as the elderly people are of the thinking that women have to marry and go one day and according to most of the people in the society evenRead MoreThe Impact of the British Empire in India Essay1659 Words   |  7 PagesFor better or for worse, Britain has had a lasting effect on India. India became a part of the British Empire in the 1876 but gained its independence in 1947. The East India Trading Company first managed India. After the failure of the first voyage to India by William Hawkins, it appeared that business could not be conducted there. However, things improved and the East India Trading Company expanded into India. Over the years, many achievements were made and records were set, and there were manyRead MoreThe Role of Women throughout History1282 Words   |  5 Pagesby other women giving birth. Women are the most important amongst any in the world, without women, life would simply not exist. However, people in some countries seem to not realize that and do not appreciate their existence. India’s ratio is approximately nine hundred and twenty nine females for every one thousand males. Australia’s ratio of male and female is 1.055, which means there are nine hundred and forty eight females for every one thousand males (CIA World Factbook, 2011). India and Australia

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Project Management Research Impact of Construction Material

Question: Discuss about the Project Management Research Impact of Construction Material. Answer: An investigation into the impact of construction material price fluctuations on the construction industry in Dubai, United Arab Emirates between the year 2004 and 2016 Price fluctuations refer to changes in the prices of a commodity over a period of time. These changes can either be an increase or decrease in prices of a given commodity. Changes in commodity prices can have a very huge impact on an industry in general. The construction industry has also been affected by the unexpected changes in the prices of materials required for construction purposes. According to the Association General Contractors (AGC) of America, between the year 2004 and 2008, the world experienced a succession of steep increase in prices of various materials. The recession of 2009 also saw many construction projects put on hold or canceled. This was as a result of increased competition which brought about global decrease in the prices of construction costs (Schmidt, 2009). Prices for some construction materials change regularly in the short term while for other products they may not change for over a period of one year. For example according to data from the Dubai chamber of commerce, the year 2012 saw changes in prices of various commodities. An example is the price of diesel fuel which had increased by 3.4% in the month of September. However, between September 2011 and September 2012, it increased by 39.4%. Another example is the price of copper and brass. The prices of copper had decrease by a margin of 0.7% between the month of August and September 2011. However, on average, the prices of copper and brass mills had increased by 14.9% over the year between September 2010 and September 2011. In Dubai during the second quarter of the year 2013, the prices of bricks increased by a margin of 11.3%. This was after prices declining continuously over the previous four months. In the United Arab Emirates and specifically Dubai, the effect of these changes i s also being experienced. According to the economic research journal published in April 2016, the prices of steal in Dubai increased by 6.6% in the first quarter of the year. From the statistics discussed above, its quite clear that the changes in the prices of materials used in construction affect the construction industry in general. This study will therefore seek to determine the impact that this changes have had on the construction industry in Dubai between the years 2004 and 2016. The fluctuations in prices of construction commodities are caused by very many factors. The changes in prices may be due to changes in costs of production of commodities, increase in taxation. Another factor that could affect the prices of commodities is legislation. Laws governing and controlling production of commodities by the government may drive the price of construction commodities up or down. For example the government may set very high regulations on quality of iron metal used in construction. These high standards by government institutions and industry regulators lead to decline in supply of that material. This decline in supply will in turn lead to increase in the price of that particular construction material. The changes in labor costs also have an impact on the construction industry ( Skolnik, Brooks Oman,2013). Labor cost is one of the most significant aspects of direct costs incurred by construction companies. This is because the construction industry is labor intensive in addition to wages being high in this industry. Inflation or economic recession of an economy is another significant factor that affects the prices of construction materials. Inflation is the continuous rapid increase in prices of a commodity over time. Economic recession occurs when the prices of commodities decrease rapidly over a period of time. This is caused by a combination of various economic factors (Levy, 2008). The research topic on the impact of fluctuations in prices of construction commodities on the construction industry is important to a project manager in many various ways. One of the ways in which this research will help project managers is in determining whether changes in prices of construction materials causes delay or termination of construction project. Delay and termination of many construction projects is a very common scenario in the construction industry globally. This delay in the construction projects affects the project managers and the owners in different ways. Delay or stalling of construction projects results into loss of income that the owners of the projects would have accrued in case the project was completed in time. Through this research therefore, the mangers of projects will be capable of determining whether changes in prices of construction materials will affect the rate of completion of the project. After determining this, the project manager will be able to put appropriate measures in place which could prevent this scenario from taking place. One of the measures that project managers can take is to sign contracts that have a cl ause that caters for price changes in construction materials during the course of the construction project. Another importance of this research project to construction project managers is that construction project managers will be able to estimate the costs that the company may incur during the time the construction project will be going on. Some construction projects are short term while others may be long term. This will depend on the size of the project being undertaken by the project manager. The changes in the prices of commodities in the construction industry will affect both the long term and short term projects but the effect is greater in projects that continue for a long time. Therefore, when construction project managers are able to identify the effect that the changes in prices of construction materials have on their projects, they are able to forecast the costs that they will incur over the course of the project and the possible changes that may occur to this costs. This will therefore assists project managers in drawing up their construction projects (Bastianelli, Ness West, 2008). Thirdly, investigation of impact of price fluctuations of construction projects on the construction industry in Dubai will assist project managers in making decisions on procurement. Once the project managers determine the effects that changes in prices of construction materials have on the construction industry, the project managers will be able determine on whether to buy the construction materials locally or import the materials. This will important because it will affect the overall costs of the projects. Since the fluctuations of prices of construction materials may lead to contractors resulting to buying cheaper low quality materials, construction project managers will be able to make decisions on where to buy the materials and the specifications and standards required. This will ensure that the construction project managers do not compromise on the quality and standards of materials they use in construction due to changes in prices. Project managers will therefore be able to m aintain and ensure standards while at the same time minimizing costs (Kelleher Abernathy, 2010). References Bastianelli, A. L., Ness, A. D., West, J. D. (2008). Federal government construction contracts. Chicago, Ill, Forum on the Construction Industry, American Bar Association. Ferraro, J. (2012). Project management for non-project managers. New York, NY, Amacom. Kogon, K., BlakemorE, S., Wood, J. (2015). Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager: A FranklinCovey Title. Dallas, Texas, BenBella Books, Inc. Levy, S. M. (2008). Construction superintendent's operations manual. New York, McGraw-Hill. Project Management Institute. (2008). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide). Newtown Square, Pa, Project Management Institute. Schmidt, T. (2009). Strategic project management made simple: practical tools for leaders and teams. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley Sons. Skolnik, J., Brooks, M., Oman, J. (2013). Fuel usage factors in highway and bridge construction.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Analysis Of Pepsico Vision Statement Essay Example For Students

The Analysis Of Pepsico Vision Statement Essay In this study, I used the vision statement matrix and defects to reexamine the vision statement of PepsiCo. The vision statement matrix I had used is seven constituents to analysis the PepsiCo statement. The constituent is including directional, in writing, focal point, flexible, executable, desirable, and easy to understand. And I was provides recommendation to get the better of the two defects is appear in PepsiCo that incomplete and non typical. For the mission statement, I was use rating matrix to analysis the mission statement and heighten some losing constituent in mission statement of PepsiCo. Outline1 Introduction2 Analysis of PepsiCo Vision Statement3 Analysis of Vision Statements- Shortcomings4 Recommendation5 Evaluation of mission statement6 Decision Introduction PepsiCo is a company which is most successful well-known trade names in the universe. Pepsi Company is nationally and globally to runing in non-alcoholic drink industry, soft drink industry, and savory bite industry. Besides that, PepsiCo offers the universe ‘s largest portfolio of nutrient and drink trade names included 22 different merchandise lines. And the biggest competition from rival is Coca-Cola in soft drink industry. Analysis of PepsiCo Vision Statement We will write a custom essay on The Analysis Of Pepsico Vision Statement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Harmonizing to vision statement of PepsiCo, I had used seven constituents to analysis the vision such as directional, in writing, focal point, flexible, executable, desirable, and easy to understand. First of wholly, the directional constituent of PepsiCo is mark to go a truly sustainable company by utilizing focal point on environmental stewardship, activities to profit society, and a committedness to construct stockholder value. From the instance, PepsiCo has extended statements on sustainability, the environment, wellness and health, and diverseness. Pepsi Company is nationally and globally to runing in non-alcoholic drink industry, soft drink industry, and savory bite industry. PepsiCo is able to enlargement market to function new market section by provides wellness and safety merchandise to do consumer more assurance to buy and go a sustainable company. Besides that, the in writing constituent of PepsiCo is non looking in the current vision statement. From the current vision, it has no reference about company direction is create and the market place the company is endeavoring to interest out. Furthermore, the focal point constituent of PepsiCo is focus on environmental stewardship, activities to profit society, and a committedness to construct stockholder value. Harmonizing to the PepsiCo instance which said that PepsiCo are concentrating in undertakings to increase to utilize of recycled stuffs and cut down stuff used in packaging. It will assist PepsiCo construct a good trade name image, environment friendly and good repute. When trade name image is created, it will increase trade name consciousness of Pepsi and easy to establish new merchandise to function new market section and accomplish the committedness of stockholder value. However, one time the committedness with stockholder is broken it will convey negative consequence to the company such as hapless repute and lessening figure of invertors. In add-on, the flexible constituent of PepsiCo is making a better tomorrow than today. From the statement, PepsiCo is wanted to better all facets of the universe to make a better hereafter. So, it may assist increase more possible profitableness due to better than old twelvemonth. And, it besides assists PepsiCo a measure frontward to be genuinely sustainable company. Yet, it besides some facet is unmanageable such as new rival and economic downswing. Furthermore, the executable constituent is about the sensible expect to accomplish in due clip. From the instance, PepsiCo is anticipating continually to better all the facets of the universe. PepsiCo is able to accomplish this vision due to strong fiscal and besides broad scope of distribution web. It besides has chances capture more market portion around the universe. However, it needs resources and times to accomplish the end. Additionally, the desirable constituent is about long term involvement of stakeholders. In the vision of PepsiCo, it is commitment to construct stockholder value. PepsiCo has long history of bringing strong fiscal growing for stockholders with the powerful trade name and committedness to sustainability and top planetary endowment. Conversely, it besides face job when stockholders may differ with PepsiCo determination devising and may happen struggle belong PepsiCo and stockholder. Last, the easy to understand constituent is about easiness to pass on and understand of the vision statement. From the PepsiCo ‘s vision statement, it is utilizing a clear linguistic communication and simple to do client easy to understand their vision. .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 , .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .postImageUrl , .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 , .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:hover , .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:visited , .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:active { border:0!important; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:active , .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90 .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u347d6e8c9b277f6763e11c4d1f692a90:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Correlation EssayAnalysis of Vision Statements- Shortcomings For the defect of vision statement, I had used five constituents to analysis the defect such as vague and incomplete, non frontward looking, bland, excessively wide or non typical, and rely on superlatives. First of wholly, the vague and uncomplete constituent is about short on specific or does non supply much indicant and how the PepsiCo intend to change the current merchandise, market, client, and engineering focal point. PepsiCo is merely reference about better all facets of the universe in which they operate for their economic, societal and environment. But it is losing out to advert about Pepsi merchandise portfolio and how they treat their employees in vision statement. Besides that, the non forward looking is about the company is non concern about the hereafter. From the vision of PepsiCo, it has concern about the hereafter by the sentences making a better tomorrow than today by utilizing bettering the facets of the universe in which they are operated. Furthermore, the bland constituent is about the company missing in motivational power. From the vision statement of PepsiCo, it has commitment to accomplish stockholder value, so from the committedness will actuate the stockholders to back up the company. Next, the constituent is excessively wide and non typical is about the vision could use to most any company. The vision statement of PepsiCo is excessively common and corporate societal duty can use to most any company. Last, the constituent rely on superlatives is about the vision excessively reliant on such superlatives as best, most successful and market leader. From the PepsiCo vision is does non advert is most successful and first pick of clients. Recommendation From the analysis of defects in the vision statement of PepsiCo, I would wish to give few recommendations to better the current vision statement of PepsiCo. First of all, I would wish to urge about the uncomplete vision statement of PepsiCo. The vision of PepsiCo should include their company merchandise, market, client, engineering focal point, and their employees. So, employee and client can easy to understand what sort of concern PepsiCo is running and what intent of PepsiCo is targeted. The 2nd defects vision statement is non typical. From my sentiment, the company vision should be different with other company ‘s vision. PepsiCo ‘s vision statement is excessively wide and it is easy same vision with others company. Therefore, PepsiCo should be more specific its vision statement and do the vision statement more memorable for people. From my sentiment, the current vision statement of PepsiCo is good but I would wish to get the better of the defects appear in PepsiCo vision statement. So, new vision statement will be as below: â€Å" PepsiCo ‘s is underscoringA committedness a true desire for merchandise quality and safety from stuffs, drink commixture to bottling, and receive first-class services from our employee. Plus, duty is to continually better all facets of the universe in which we operate and making a better tomorrow than today. † Our mission is maximal our stockholders wealth and focus on environmental stewardship and activities to profit society by doing PepsiCo a genuinely sustainable company. Evaluation of mission statement A mission statement is the current concern activities or proposes â€Å" what we are and what we do † . From the mission statement of PepsiCo, I would wish to utilize rating matrix to analysis and provides a new description to the PepsiCo. The constituents use to analysis include clients, products/services, markets, concern for endurance, growing and profitableness, engineering, doctrine, self-concept, concern for public image and concern for employees. The client constituent is about the mark client of the company. From the current description of PepsiCo is does non advert about the client. So, I suggest a new description that PepsiCo should concern, maintain trueness and listen to client in the mission statement. Merchandise and services constituent is about the house ‘s major merchandise and services provides to client. From the mission statement, PepsiCo is offer convenient nutrients and drinks to the client. For illustration merchandise of PepsiCo offer is Quaker Oats, Cap’N Crunch cereal, Aunt Jemima sirup, and Tropicana juice. Although there is description in the current mission statement, but I would wish to give my recommendation to do PepsiCo mission statement become better by develop a new merchandise line. For illustration, PepsiCo can develop a new merchandise line Pepsi Green mix with herb and place PepsiCo is an environment friendly company. .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 , .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .postImageUrl , .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 , .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:hover , .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:visited , .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:active { border:0!important; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:active , .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505 .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u28d04456054291d36b4786af58559505:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Bear EssayMarket constituent is about geographically and the topographic points the house compete. From the current description of PepsiCo is wanted to be the universe ‘s prime consumer Merchandises Company and serve in globally. For the new description, I would propose PepsiCo increase more vending machine at coach station, train station, or film to do client able to buy at anyplace and anytime. Concern for endurance, growing, profitableness constituent is approximately is the house committed to growing and fiscal soundness. From the current description of PepsiCo is produce fiscal wagess to investors as we provide chances for growing. For new description, PepsiCo is need for cognition, bring forthing and administering valuable information in a manner that benefits the client and employee to function the planetary market. Technology constituent is about the house technologically current. From the current description of PepsiCo is does non advert about the engineering. Therefore, for the new description PepsiCo should pass money to make more research and development and utilizing machines to cut down the production cost and clip. Philosophy constituent is about the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethical precedences of the house. From the current description of PepsiCo is endeavoring for honestness, equity and unity. For the new description, PepsiCo can portion and lovingness where the people give their clip, cognition, and experience. Besides that, it besides empowered people which mean that holding a freedom to believe in ways and acquire the occupation done, while following to treat that guarantee direction and being mindful of company demands. Self-concept constituent is about the house ‘s typical competency or major competitory advantages. From the current description of PepsiCo is does non advert about the self-concept. However, I would wish to urge PepsiCo to make a competitory advantage strategic. For illustration, Pepsi can utilize marketing mix such as merchandise, monetary value, packaging, and distribution to distinguish itself with other company merchandise. And besides can excellent client services to the client such as bringing merchandise on clip. Concern for public image constituent is about the house responsive to societal, community, and environmental concerns. From the current description of PepsiCo is non looking in the mission statement. Therefore, the new description for PepsiCo should lend to the economic strength of society and duty of CSR. For illustration, PepsiCo is to the full committed to protecting the Earth ‘s natural resources through invention and the efficient usage of land, H2O, energy and packaging in the operations. Concern for employee constituent is about the employee is valuable plus of the house. From the current description of PepsiCo is enrichment to the employees, but I would wish to heighten it to go better by provides wages and preparation to the employee. Once the wages system is set up, the employee is put more consequence to making their occupation and direct employee to developing it provides an chances for growing of concern. Following new description, I would wish to alterations to the current mission statement to be a new mission statement as below: â€Å" Our mission is to be the universe ‘s prime consumer Merchandises Company and selling convenient nutrients and drinks in anytime and anyplace. We serve with high invention engineering to bring forth new nutrient harmonizing client demands and directing staffs to developing for provides high quality of services to prolong client trueness. Besides, we are duties in CSR, empowered people, and chances for growing to maximise stockholder wealth. Decision As a concern analyst of PepsiCo, I had analysed the vision statement and mission statement of PepsiCo by different constituent and measure matrix. Hence, I had recommended alterations and sweetening to the current vision statement and mission statement. With the new vision statement and new mission statement that has been enchanted will easier to understand and memorable by people. Last, by develop a new vision and mission statement, PepsiCo can make a better hereafter and one more measure frontward be a truly sustainable company.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse †Informal Essay

The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse – Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse Informal Essay The novel Siddhartha, written by Hermann Hesse, is about a young Brahmin, Siddhartha who has potential to be a prince among his caste members, and lives in India. During his youth, he grew up in a family that practices Hinduism, which they learn everything from their holy book only. The rituals and mantras they have taught Siddhartha and his best friend Govinda seem more a matter of custom than a real path that could lead to true enlightenment. He leaves his family to go with a group of Samanas, who are starved, half-naked, and must beg for food, but only because they believe enlightenment can be reached through asceticism, a rejection of the body and physical desire. He lived as a Samana for years. He mastered everything to reach the true enlightment; he was close to perfection. However, everything collapsed when he met Kamala and Kawaswami. When Siddhartha was attempting to master the material world, as he approached more, he became part of the material world, instead of becoming the true master of the material world. He was no longer skinny, naked Samana but a wealthy, fancy, greedy, and well-fed merchant. After recognizing that he had a dream to reach the true enlightenment, he left the city and went to Vasudeva, the ferryman, who told Siddhartha that he will return to him. Siddhartha confessed his sin, and started to mediate to reach the true enlightenment. After meditating for couple years, he met his old friend Govinda, who still follows Gotama but has not attained the kind of enlightenment that Siddhartha now neglects. Govinda came to see the sage man seeking for advice, and he didn’t recognize Siddhartha when he was giving Govinda advice. Through Siddhartha’s advice, two samanas found the true enlightenment that they have been looking for all of their lives. My favorite part of the novel was Siddhartha’s mind. To reach his goal, he did everything whether he had done it reluctantly or pleasingly even though he was quivering in the middle of the novel. His dedication to reach his goal was unbelievable. He ditched every pleasure that he could have received just to reach his goal. He was also extremely courageous in some aspects. He was courageous when the asked his father for permission to leave with a group of Samanas. Siddhartha lived in a society where younger people respected and adored elders. It was difficult for Siddhartha to go up to his father and get permission to leave with a group of Samanas. The least favorite part of the novel was the quivering moment of Siddhartha’s life. When Siddhartha met Kamala, he started to fall apart spiritually. Siddhartha fell in a love with Kamala, and she became more important than the true enlightenment. At the same time, Siddhartha was attempting to master the material world, as he approached more, he became part of the material world. Then he met Kawaswami who was a businessman. Which provoked Siddhartha to become a businessman. All of his effort and time to become a true enlightened samana became nothing. I was disappointed at Siddhartha he got affected by two people, who seemed like had no effectiveness at all. When I look myself and compare my faith with Siddhartha’s faith, mine’s nothing because I am not as dedicated, enthusiastic, and courageous as Siddhartha. If I were in Siddhartha’s situation, I wouldn’t talk to my dad to leave with a group of samanas even though I wanted to, because I am not extremely courageous. Also, I wouldn’t leave the city if I started to make money, and become rich. Only the dedicated ones could leave like Siddhartha did in my opinion. The novel made me to think of the number people who actually practice their religion as much as Siddhartha with same dedication, enthusiasm, and courage. In my opinion, Eight-Fold Path and Four Noble Truths of Buddhism is what they use it as guides to reach Nirvada, after their death. It works like Ten Commandments for Christians. I understand Eight-Fold Path and Four Noble Truths of Buddhism as Buddhism version of Ten Commandments. I think I will never be able to apply theses to my life unlike Siddhartha because I have to give up everything that I possess. The novel is well written. It made me to think what a human could do when they’re trying to reach goals. After reading the novel, I learned that human has unlimited power to do things. The unlimited power exists when you are mentality is set to do something. Research Papers on The Novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse - Informal Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtQuebec and CanadaWhere Wild and West MeetThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseMind TravelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Spring and AutumnTwilight of the UAW

Saturday, November 23, 2019

In the Last Throes

In the Last Throes In the Last Throes In the Last Throes By Maeve Maddox An amusing egg-corn that has just appeared on my radar is that of writing in the throes of as in the throws of. A protagonist in the throws of madness Plaster cast of a Pompeii resident in the throws of death Iraq is in the last throws of insurgency AMD in final death throws? in the throws of the epidemic Question: Why do cockroaches die on their backs? Answer: Because in the throws of death, they often tip or topple over Although both words may derive from the same Old English word, à ¾rawan to twist, turn writhe, theyve been used with distinctly different meanings long enough to make the mix-up amusing. (Throe may derive instead from O.E. à ¾rowian to suffer.) The OED offers these definitions: throe: A violent spasm or pang, such as convulses the body, limbs, or face. Also, a spasm of feeling; a paroxysm; agony of mind; anguish.  Ã‚  Ã‚      The pain and struggle of childbirth; pl. labour-pangs. The agony of death; the death-struggle, death-throe. A violent convulsion or struggle preceding or accompanying the ‘bringing forth’ of something. To confuse the issue, theres a blog called In the Throws of Resistance, and a song called In the Throws of a Moral Quandary. Theres also a villainous group (Marvel Comics) called the Death-Throws. Their name is a pun on death throes. Theyre jugglers. The things they throw cause death, hence, death throws. Take care next time you want to express the idea of intense suffering or passion. Throes in the sense of violent feeling is too good a word to throw away. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should AvoidDeck the HallsDrama vs. Melodrama

Thursday, November 21, 2019

GOV STUDY GUIDE 649,652,654, Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GOV STUDY GUIDE 649,652,654, - Assignment Example Soviets were a group of elected government council members in a counrty that was communist. 9. In a monarchy, the sovereignty of the government in power is usually possessed in one person, a king or a queen and it only lasts until the person dies and the next family member in line takes over (McClenaghan, 2006). A minister is a politician in a national or regional government who has the duty of implementing policy decisions. 10. A coalition is a formal pact between people or groups of people with the purpose of satisfying each group’s interest (McClenaghan, 2006). A consensus is an agreement between two people or groups and smooth decision-making process occurs because each party has the entitlement to make decisions. 1. In 1918, the Chinese political and military leader, Chiang Kai-shek joined a nationalist party known as the Kuomintang (KMT). Chiang had a successor called, Sun Yat-Sen in year 1925, who ensured that there was a unification process for all the local leaders in China and chased away the communists in China. He focused on battling both communism and Japanese aggression. When China’s allies declared the war in Japan in 1914, China also participated as one of the Big four. Later, there was a civil war in China in 1946 and the communist forces in China led by Mao Zedong succeeded thereby creating the People’s Republic of China. Cultural Revolution was a movement in China established to cleanse China of the four olds which included old customs, ideas, culture and habits (McClenaghan, 2006). The movement was launched by Mao Zedong as a way of reasserting his authority in the government. 3. The Republic of China is what is known as Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China is what is known as China (McClenaghan, 2006). These are two separate states, but both states seem to claim to control the other. 5. In China, there are no political opposition groups, but in Russia there are many political groups such as the KTR group and the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Primary Source Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Primary Source Analysis - Essay Example All of this is set against the background of the Cold War, which sharpened animosities between capitalist and communist world views, and raised the spectre of world annihilation from nuclear war between Communist Russia and the Capitalist United States. The FLQ was an extremist organization and it organized campaigns violent action, including the bombing of the Canadian Stock Exchange in 1969 and the assassination of government minister Laporte in 1970. The Manifesto sets out its urgent demand for total liberation of the Quebecois people from all higher powers. It professes to have at first been supportive of the conventional nationalist â€Å"Parti Quà ©becois† but this party’s electoral defeat by the Liberals is portrayed as evidence for the ineffectiveness of this organization. The hardship experienced by many groups of working people is cited, including fishermen, miners, construction workers, factory workers, as well as other groups such as welfare recipients and policemen. Their poverty is blamed on the high taxation systems that the Canadian Federal Government has introduced, and also on trade contracts between Canada and Britain which benefit the governments and the wealthy business owners, but not the ordinary workers. The manifesto states that the QLF has not used all of the means available to it, including violent ones like arms and dynamite to free workers from exploitation by their greedy bosses. Institu tions such as the Church and the Universities, which represent the establishment, are also criticized, and the manifesto ends with a call to rise up in revolution against all of these oppressors. This document is an example of Marxist revolutionary propaganda and it offers an insight into the thinking of the people behind the terrorist acts committed by the FLQ in the 1960s and 1970s in Montreal and Quebec. Evidence for this thesis can be found in three of the document’s main features : Ideas. The authors of the document imply that it

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Video Game Effect Essay Example for Free

Video Game Effect Essay There are millions of people who play highly controversial games like Grand Theft Auto and other violence video games, realize that it is a game and do not do things they do in the game in real life. If people believe that video games cause behavior problems, they are underlying issues with the gamer himself, and not with the software, but according to American Psychological Association, almost ninety percent of kids between the ages eight and sixteen are addicted to video game especially the violent one. The average girls spends almost six to eight hour week’s playing video games which does not sound bad comparing to boys who spends an average of thirteen hours a week. Some parents reported that video games only describe virtual reality, and should not translate into real world problem. However, children are more likely to imitate the actions of a character with which they classify themselves with. In all violent video games, players are often required to take point of view of the shooter or perpetrator, which show a change of their behavior. Study shows that repetition increases learning and video games required repetition in order to master control characters movement. If the game is violent, then the effect is a behavioral practice for a violent activity. These children who are involve in playing violent video games are more aggressive than who are not involve with these game, which at some point of their life, they will get heart or might die because of their action. Recently, parents become unaware with their kids behavior in real life. Some of them let their kids do whatever they like to do like playing violent video games for long hours or watching brutal shows on television. Report by American Psychological Association â€Å"disagree that violent video games cause behavior problems, because the choices people make cause violent behavior. Video games, even the violent once, can be good experience. † But parents need to teach their kids those video games need to be separate from reality. The choices they make in their daily life have absolutely nothing to do with video games. In fact they may be able to take out any aggressions that they have on a video game, rather than go out and beat someone up, that what their parents believe, but what they do not know is playing video game frequently for long hours has a huge negative on kids because it feed their brain with aggression, violence, and fighting which creates problems such as poor social skills from kids to their parents and the outside world. Sociology studies shows that boys by the age of twenty-one had spend more than 10000 hours or more just by playing video games American Psychological Association wrote â€Å"97% between the age 12 to 17 in the US played video game†¦ top 10 out of 20 were violent. † USA today made study twenty years ago about sixty percent of American family had sat down as family dinners, same study last year the number drop down to twenty percent. Because kids are spending their times on video game, it creates huge problems such as poor social skills, poor grade in school, and live in hostile environment. Psychologist concludes, that video game is nature requirement activities, because it based on reward system and as human we try to be satisfied and achieved all requirements. For example, in video game Mafia 2, the character is required to rob bank which is the basic objective. But if the player kills all securities without triggering the alarm, the player will receive bounce. Since all players love to achieve more, they will do the mission, after completing the mission they will play it again in order to get the bounces. If parents are worried that their children are addicted to violent video game and spending so much time playing it, they should set limits, like playing video game for an hour after completing their homework, also try to encourage their children to play outside, and do other activity. Parents must check the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to learn about the video game’s content and what age range it belongs to. Parents should strongly monitor their children about video games that they are buying, and from online games. Violent video games have been blamed for increase bullying, assaulting women, and school shooting, because violent games teach children that violence is way to solve problems and it is acceptable in this world. Studied showed that sixty percent of middle school children who played at least one video game that rated mature has hit, beat, and assault other students. Also it shows that students who committed this violence act were enjoying inflected pain and become less forgiving. For example, in Bully the character have to fight with teacher and other student in order to be popular in school. In other word, this video game encourages kids to be disrespectful to the elder and to the other student. Female in violent video games are mostly present as explore to sexual contact, like being rape, get killed, and thrown behind the bushes. What make it ironic is the player is rewarded by getting some extra feature. For example, in LA Noire the character is homicide, in one of his chapter the player must solve several of cases that women been rape, nude, murder, and thrown in dumpster or tree. In 1998 study shows that thirty percent of violent video games involve women been attacked and rape. Another example, in Grand Theft Auto, which considers one of the best seller games in 2008, player must gain money to be able to buy armor or guns so the player will target female for two reasons. First, they carry more cash, and second they weak. Schools shooting have been connected to shooting video games. Students who have been exposed to violent video games held more violent attitudes, had more hostile personalities, were less forgiveness, and believed that being sadistic with other is normal. Seung-Hui Cho the student who opened fire at Virginia Tech incident. He was addicted to shooting game called Counter Strike, the objective of that game is to kill the other team where character are allowed to buy guns, armor, and grenade. Every time the character kill member of the other team he rewarded with money. If parents and schools are affected by kids who play violent video games for long hours, it means media and society are affected too. Societies are concern with violence and media including the internet have extend worlds of video game, especially the violent one, such as the Hitman series, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat, and more. The character in video games may get away when he committed crime or brutal events. As adults they know the different between real life and fiction one, but kids do not know that. Kids might steal money or attack other kids believing they will get away. For example, in Grand Theft Auto player can steal car, run over pedestrian, and hit another car. With kind action the police well attempt to arrest you character. However, if the character were able to drive fast or hide inside building for couple of minutes police will ignore you and let you free.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Relationship Between Social Class and Educational Achievement Essay

The Relationship Between Social Class and Educational Achievement Many sociologists have tried to explore the link between social class and educational achievement, measuring the effects of one element upon the other. In order to maintain a definite correlation between the two, there are a number of views, explanations, social statistics and perspectives which must be taken into account. The initial idea would be to define the key terms which are associated with how "social class" affects "educational achievement." "Social class" is the identity of people, according to the work they do and the community in which they live in."Educational achievement" is the tendency for some groups to do better or worse in terms of educational success. Research reveals that the higher the social class, the higher the levels of educational achievement are likely to be. The children of parents in higher social classes are more likely to stay on in post compulsory education, more likely to achieve examination passes when at school, and more likely to gain university entrance. These features painted a true picture of British education in the twentieth century and can be argued to follow this trend today. However, whether there has been any reduction in the inequalities is more debatable, but some research suggests that these inequalities are as great as ever, despite the overall improvements within the education system. Many researchers argue that IQ tests are biased in favour of the middle class, since members of this group largely construct them. If it is accepted that social classes and other groups have distinctive subcultures and that this affe... ... to reject school and school values (such as academic success). This has its roots outside of school in the nature of the fathers and elder brothers' in manual work. They look up to these figures and see school as "sissy", un-masculine, unlike the "real" masculine work that their fathers, brothers etc do. Overall, in conclusion there can be no definite correlation identified between "social class" and "educational achievement" in that there is much research into this and many sociologists suggest their own theories, and have yet not decided whether there is a link or not. However, there does seem to be correlation of some kind as sociologists either favour it or not. It can be still said that the main relationship between these factors is the higher the social class; the more likely the pupil is going to succeed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Factors That Influence Infant Development

From the moment of conception, there are so many factors and hazards expecting parents must consider ensuring a safe pregnancy and healthy baby. All of which are very important to growth and development. In this essay, I will focus in on the key points an expecting mother should pay close attention to during pregnancy, labor, and the birth of her baby. Caring for yourself and the life growing inside of an expecting mother is a wonderful experience and sometimes a challenge. From the moment a couple decides to have a baby is when they should begin thinking about their future offspring. Taking care of yourself first is key to having an optimally healthy body to house a developing baby. Eating healthy, exercising and refraining from drugs, smoking and alcohol is of the utmost importance. Some mothers who are trying to conceive also take the extra measure of taking prenatal vitamins. It is also a good idea for a couple to visit their doctor to make sure they are in good health and given the â€Å"green light† to begin to work toward conceiving. Making sure you are in good physical health prior to conception is important to lessen the chances of complications during pregnancy. Once the joyous day arrives and you learn that you are expecting, it is very important to see your doctor and have him verify the news. Then begins the task of finding an OBGYN to care for you and your baby throughout the pregnancy and deliver the child when the time comes. Regular, consistent prenatal care is by far the most important factor in insuring the healthiest, safest pregnancy and delivery one can have. Your doctor will see you every month in the beginning of the pregnancy and track your baby’s growth as well as your weight and overall health. During these visits it is important to talk openly with your doctor about any questions or concerns you are having. Your doctor will prescribe prenatal vitamins and run regular tests throughout the pregnancy. When the due date gets closer a mother visits her OBGYN more frequently to track her progress and prepare her for the impending birth. Preventative care while pregnant is important to the growing fetus as well as the expecting mother to monitor progress and deal with any complications that may arise, such as gestational diabetes. What I feel is the most obvious hazard and precaution an expecting mother must consider is refraining from unhealthy activities, such as consuming alcohol, smoking or drug use. These toxins often have major and detrimental effects on a developing baby. There are many birth defects and disorders directly connected to expectant mothers unhealthy lifestyles during pregnancy, for example â€Å"fetal alcohol syndrome, which can cause deformities, mental retardation, learning disorders, vision difficulties and behavioral problems and are irreversible. †(www. mayoclinic. com) Drugs, smoking and alcohol all affect a baby that is in a critical time period of development and growth. An expecting mother must put the needs of her unborn child first. In this essay I have covered just a few important factors in the health and safety of a growing baby; but there are many, many more to consider. A couple planning to conceive must be aware of the hazards to their developing child and the precautions that must be heeded. Creating a new life is a wonderful, life changing experience. Every expecting parent should always do what is best for their child, from conception through the crucial first years of development on into adulthood.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How I Will Save the Planet Essay

The problem of saving the planet is nowadays very urgent. Global warming, pollution of the great oceans – these things are undoubtedly influencing or lives and might erase us, human beings, from the surface of the earth. Totally. And very soon. Mother Nature cannot stand or our behavior anymore and now it is time for us to think about our future. All the processes which have been launched already of course cannot be reversed or even stooped, but we can and we must slow them down in order to spend a few more decades here, on the planet Earth. The problem is – even the majority is not enough to save the planet, only all together we can save ourselves. Yes, exactly â€Å"ourselves† but not â€Å"the planet†, because as George Carlin, a popular American comic says: â€Å"the planet is fine! † – It is more than 4,5 billiard years old and it would be strange if it might be destroyed by us, who appeared only about sixty thousand years ago. It is more likely that the planet will get rid of us and after a thousand or maybe a million years of tranquil rehabilitation, some new forms of life will appear. And the process as we can notice is going forward at a steady gait – last winter was extremely cold, and the summer was so hot that forests were totally burning out and harvests were negligibly small. And what is going to happen this winter? Will it be warm and snowless, or it will be minus sixty in the street and we will not be able even to go and by some bread? And next summer? It may be quite normal for our climatic zone and may be far more outstanding than previous one. The most horrifying fact is that weather patterns are becoming more and more unpredictable which endangers our existence here†¦ But that is enough for the preamble, now I am going to speak about what I will do to at least postpone the global catastrophe. First of all, let us think about the very phrase â€Å"to save the planet†. Of course, it does notconcern that you will invent time machine and go back to the past and kill the inventors of internal-combustion engine, oil extraction and aerosol. It also does not mean that you must join the Greenpeace Organization and picket in the streets with high-sounding banners in your hands. There are lots of tiny things, which compose the whole picture of ecology today and you can improve this picture by changing your lifestyle a little. I, for example, will never spoil much water while washing the dishes – I’ll go to the local store and get a plug for about one USD and it will make the water more clear, because small amounts of water are easier and cheaper to filtrate. Taking a shower I will switch it off when I am soaping myself – I really do not need it! I will go by foot instead of taking a bus or taxi, in cases when I’m not in a hurry. Actually I do need a car, but I will use ecologically friendly patrol as, for example, Pulsar fuel, which obeys EURO-4 ecological standard, instead of using ecologically hostile patrol. And if I have the money, I will by a hybrid car – actually what is bad about half an engine being electronic? I think it is very good! Unfortunately, I smoke. And I imagine how harmful it is both for my health and for the surrounding environment – not only cigarettes disperse hundreds of harmful gases and matters to the atmosphere, but also lighters emit gas and, being made of plastic, are also very hard to recycle. So I will soon try the new technology of electronic cigarettes – each of them can be used many times, they do not contain tars and other harmful matters and their smoke is actually a water steam, which doesn’t harm both your organism and the atmosphere. Actually, I can say that even now I am saving the planet – maybe I do one thousandth part of what I must do, but it is already better than nothing! All light bulbs in my house are energy saving. I also do not take plastic bags in supermarkets – I always carry everything in my bag. My mp3 player is accumulator-operated, so I do not use and throw out hundreds of batteries every year. I wash all my clothes only in the washing machine once a month, so I do not spoil much water on washing. I use roll-on deodorants instead of spraying ones – It is my tiny contribution into the protection of the ozone layer. I prefer cotton clothes, and do not often by synthetic things – maybe I do it for my own reasons, but it is in any case better than making Mother Nature recycle one T-shirt for hundreds of years! I also always buy drinks in glass bottles, which can be used several times or aluminum cans and tetra-packs which are both easy to recycle. We also have an electric stove plate which is far more ecological than gas cooker. Unfortunately, saving the planet is unreal at the present point in time. We too long have been spoiling it and it is very horrible to realize that in a couple of years we are going to be erasedby severe climatic apocalypse. And it’s really inevitable for everyone to understand it and try to stop this parasitizing in order to secure our future, and the future of our children. Simple, and at first sight, insignificant things have brought us to the great crisis, and the same simple things may save us. Is not it easy to plug your sink while washing the dishes or to use energy saving bulbs, energy saving fuel and washing machines? It is. Is there so much economy in buying plastic bottles, which need hundreds of years to decompose? No, there is not. So I will  do everything I can to save the planet! And how about you?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Physical Characteristics And Origin Of Emerald Essay Example

Physical Characteristics And Origin Of Emerald Essay Example Physical Characteristics And Origin Of Emerald Essay Physical Characteristics And Origin Of Emerald Essay Emerald is a green assortment of beryl, found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Columbia, Madagascar, Pakistan, Russia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, in either mineral or treasure quality. Emeralds are priced for their coloring material their vivid leafy vegetables, blue-greens and yellow-greens and have for centuries been some of the most sought after treasures in the universe. In 2000 a 10.11 Nutmeg State Columbian emerald was sold for $ 1,149,850. ( Zachovay, 2002 ) . To understand Emerald we need to first understand the physical and chemical construction of Beryl, Be?Al?Si?O? . Emerald coloring material is caused by hint component of Chromium ( Cr ) and /or Vanadium ( V ) replacing the Aluminium ( A ) cubic decimeter in the crystal construction. Fig.1 shows the crystal lattice of emerald in 2D, the dark Grey shows the tetrahedral formation BeO? , the medium Grey shows the octahedral formation AlO? , the visible radiation Grey shows the tetrahedral formation SiO?. ( Groat, L.A. 2007 ) . Emerald can organize as a crystal or as an dross in a host mineral depending on the sum of Be present and environmental factors like temperature, force per unit area, and infinite in which the beryl crystals ( Be3Al2Si6O18 ) have to turn. Physical Features: Emerald assortments of Beryl have a hexangular prismatic wont with pinacoid expiration, sometimes with bypyramidal faces and imperfect basal cleavage. Rectangular etch cavities occur on the prism faces and hexangular etch cavities occur on pinacoids shown severally in Fig.2 and Fig.3. The hardness is 7.5-8 on Moh`s graduated table, the specific gravitation is between 2.65-2.80. Well formed crystals are called euhedral, have recognizable faces and a vitreous luster. Its stamina, lastingness, stableness, vitreous luster, and hardness do Emerald an ideal rock for jewelry. Its animation does non melt off or respond severely to acid, perspiration or day-to-day rinsing liquids. Precaution is needed nevertheless, as emerald is brickle and can fracture on a crisp knock. Coloring material in Emerald. The spread metal ion is the coloring mechanism in Emerald. Transitional elements, Cr and V are drosss in beryl construction and do the ruddy fluorescence that enhances the brightness of the bluish green coloring material. This consequence is suppressed if Fe3+ is present in the emerald crystal. ( Nassau. 1983 ) . Cr and / V besides give emerald its alone soaking up sets in the ruddy country of the electromagnetic spectrum. Beginning: Emerald formation necessitates Be. Harmonizing to Groat L.A. , the procedure of Be formation can be divided into phases as follows: Be bearing stone demands to happen right status for stage alteration ( e.g. liquid or vapor ) and Needs a transit mechanism for mobilization ( otherwise the Be will solidify and the whole procedure starts once more ) . If the silicate thaws in an environment rich with Fluorine ( F ) , Lithium ( Li ) , Boron ( B ) , Phosphorous ( P ) , it can retain the changed stage of Be for transit ( Evensen et al. 1999, London A ; Evensen 2002 ) . To crystallise, the Be, together with Al ( aluminum ) , Si ( Si ) and O ( O ) , needs an unfastened infinite, cleft or pit in pegmatic stone. Be tends to concentrate itself in pegmatites, granites, black shale and their metamorphous equivalent and Cr and / Vare concentrated in dunite, peridotite, and basalt of the pelagic crust and upper mantle, and their metamorphous equivalents. However, high concentrations can besides happen in sedimentary stones, peculiarly black shale. ( Schwarz et al. 2002 ) Be is the forty-seventh most abundant component in the Earth s crust ( Emsley, 2001 ) . The debut of Cr and / V ( severally 92 and 97 ppm in the Earth s crust ) to Be ( 1.4ppm in lower crust, 2.29 ppm in in-between crust, 2.1 ppm in the upper continental crust ) requires unusual geological and geochemical metasomatic procedures such as the invasion of Be rich magmatic fluids or the merger of Be-rich pegmatite minerals with the environing Cr / V sedimentary stone. ( Rudnick A ; Gao 2003 ) This is how Emerald is formed. Other Variables to see: Harmonizing to Barton A ; Young ( 2002 ) Be is necessary to beryl formation. The stableness field of temperature is comparatively broad between 300-6000 with Al2O3 as intermediate. But with really high Al2O3 and really low Al2O3, environments, can take to precipitation of Chrysoberyl ( BeAl2O4 ) or Euclase ( BeAl [ SiO4 ] OH ) and Phenakite ( Be2 [ SiO4 ] ) or Bertrandite ( Be4 [ Si2O7 ] ( OH ) 2 ) . In contrast if the activity for SiO2 is low, other minerals like Chrysoberyl, Phenakite and Bromellite will precipitate . Decision: Beryllium is scarce. Because of Be s little mass extremely sophisticated machines like Scaning Electron Microprobes battle to analyse it accurately. Even with Laser extirpation ICP-MS, SIMS ( Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry ) , there is so much Be in the construction that the analysis can be suspected. ( Groat L.A. 2007 ) Be interacting with Cr / V, and Cr / V moving as a chromophore makes the whole procedure interesting and rare, therefore doing an Emerald a valuable rare treasure. Technological promotions are still needed to better understand, the chemical composing, drosss and crystal construction which can take to earth s cardinal geological and geochemical mechanisms. At present apprehension of the authoritative theoretical account of elements and how they interact in geological procedures is flawed. This means the construct of Mother Nature moving as an unfastened beginning, where everything contributes to the one thing or another, is non to the full understood.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Soggy Sweats Famous Whiskey Speech

Soggy Sweats Famous Whiskey Speech One of the craftiest orations in the history of American politics was the Whiskey Speech, delivered in April 1952 by a young Mississippi legislator named Noah S. Soggy Sweat, Jr. The House had been debating whether to finally pop the cork on Prohibition when Sweat (later a circuit court judge and a college professor) decided to demonstrate his prowess for talking out of both sides of his mouth. The occasion was a banquet at the old King Edward Hotel in Jackson. My friends, I had not intended to discuss this controversial subject at this particular time. However, I want you to know that I do not shun controversy. On the contrary, I will take a stand on any issue at any time, regardless of how fraught with controversy it might be. You have asked me how I feel about whiskey. All right, here is how I feel about whiskey.If when you say whiskey you mean the devils brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster, that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean the evil drink that topples the Christian man and woman from the pinnacle of righteous, gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation and despair and shame and helplessness and hopelessness, then certainly I am against it.But if when you say whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that pu ts a song in their hearts and laughter on their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer; if you mean the stimulating drink that puts the spring in the old gentlemans step on a frosty, crispy morning; if you mean the drink which enables a man to magnify his joy, and his happiness, and to forget, if only for a little while, lifes great tragedies, and heartaches, and sorrows; if you mean that drink, the sale of which pours into our treasuries untold millions of dollars, which are used to provide tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitiful aged and infirm, to build highways and hospitals and schools, then certainly I am for it.This is my stand. I will not retreat from it. I will not compromise. Though were tempted to call Sweats speech a lampoon, that words etymology (from the French lampons, let us drink) may betray a certain bias. In any event, the speech stands as a parody of political doublespeak and an artful exercise in employing audience-flattering connotations. The classical figure underlying the speech is distinctio: making explicit references to various meanings of a word. (Bill Clinton used the same device when he told a Grand Jury, It depends on what the meaning of the word is is.) But whereas the customary aim of distinctio is to remove ambiguities, Sweats intention was to exploit them. His initial characterization of whiskey, addressed to the teetotalers in the crowd, employs a series of dysphemismsdisagreeable and offensive impressions of the demon drink. In the next paragraph he shifts his appeal to the wets in his audience through a far more agreeable list of euphemisms. Thus he takes a firm standon both sides of the issue. In these days of duplicity in the land of spin, we lift our hearts and our glasses to the memory of Judge Soggy Sweat. Sources Orley Hood, On June 3, Soggys Speech Will Come to Life, The Clarion-Ledger (May 25, 2003)M. Hughes, â€Å"Judge Sweat and ‘The Original Whiskey Speech,’ The Jurist (Vol. I, No. 2, Spring 1986)If by Whiskey, The Clarion Ledger (February 24, 1996)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Midterm paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midterm - Term Paper Example Complicating this issue even further is the request that the manager makes based upon reflecting the fireworks as the award-winning. Naturally, as no such award exists, the employee is faced with a situation in which either they will make up an award or they will fail if the assignment. Finally, complicating matters even further is the fact that one of the colleague is attempting to take personal gain of the situation by creating the award in exchange for a symposium sexual favor. As a means of understanding this dynamic, the ethical challenges, and the options that are available to the employee, the following analysis will focus specifically on these three segments. Firstly, it should be understood that leveraging any type of favor from a fellow colleagues, whether in exchange for sexual service or any other good or commodity, is tantamount with making up the information and lying about the veracity behind the award. The underlying ethical reason behind this has to do with the fact that it is clear and apparent that the fellow colleague does not have such an award and it has never existed. Thus, by merely passing the buck and claiming a level of ignorance concerning where the support came from or when it was earned and why, the employee in question is not any better of a position as compared to that they had generated this false award on their own. From the case that has been presented thus far there are ultimately three options. Accordingly, the remainder of this analysis will revolve around discussing these options, from the least desirable to the most desirable, and promoting a likely course of action that the employee might consider taking. As such, the first and least desirable option is to refuse to make up any award and directly confront the manager with this refusal. Not only will this most likely result in an immediate termination, it will also leave a very negative relationship and interpretation of the employee’s time at the

Friday, November 1, 2019

A porters 5 forces analysis of Microsoft Corporation Essay

A porters 5 forces analysis of Microsoft Corporation - Essay Example The following figure represents computer OS market share. Threat of new entrants is extremely high in the computer software industry. Faster product developments and technological innovations allow a new entrant to easily capture the market. The current industry trends indicate that people are highly attracted towards new software developments as they always try to replace the existing technology with more improved ones. It is obvious that a number of new market players have entered the software industry over the last two decades. However, higher entry costs reduce the threat of new market entrants to some extent. Nowadays, majority of the governments invests heavily in research and developments. Therefore, new entrants are overcoming the fund deficiency issue. Availability of substitutes raises potential threats to the Microsoft Corporation. Studies show that software design ideas are widely copied and most of the people and business are interested to use pirated software versions. According to Claburn (2011), it is expected that millions of people are using pirated Microsoft operating systems. Majority of the duplicated software provide full features to their users exactly as the original software do. Since such pirated or duplicated software are easily available at cheaper costs, many of the users are not interested to buy an original Microsoft version. Even though governments give great emphasis on the enforcement of intellectual property laws, software piracy and duplication cannot be prevented completely. While evaluating the marketing activities of Microsoft Corporation, it is clear that the firm exercises great control over its buyers (Levy, 2005). It is a known fact that Microsoft products are of supreme quality and thereby have a well market reputation. Furthermore, they are branded products. Hence, buyers

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethics Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics Review - Article Example What the article requires people involved in accounting and finance was the same thing that was asked of us when I worked as a customer service representative for a contact center. We were always reminded to be truthful to our customers like telling them our real name, giving them the correct picture of the situation or problem, and the like. We were also reminded not to disclose to others vital information of our customers like their credit card number and phone number. I think the company I worked for is okay. But in order to improve the company’s relation with its clients, management should continue emphasizing to the employees the importance of practicing good ethical behavior. Ethics is important in accounting and financing because being truthful and honest allows one to gain the trust of other people. When we work with others and observe acceptable behavior, we do not only help the company grow but we also help ourselves too. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act emphasizes the importa nce of providing true and accurate facts in financial statements. The said act also requires companies to be transparent in their financial and accounting activities. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act puts into action the principles Shanker laid down in her article.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Australia and China Tade Essay Example for Free

Australia and China Tade Essay China is a country located in East Asia. It is the worlds most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. China is the fourth largest country in the world behind Russia, Canada, and the United States. Australia is a continent and a country in the Southern Hemisphere, lying to the south of Southeast Asia, which divides the Indian and South Pacific Oceans. The population of Australia is 23 million. In 2009 China surpassed Japan to become Australias largest export market, the Australian and Chinese economies are strongly complementary. As a result, our trade and investment relationship is substantial and has developed well beyond its modest beginnings in the 1970s. According to Australian statistics, two-way merchandise trade has grown from $113 million in 1973, just after the establishment of diplomatic relations, to $78.2 billion in 2009. China is Australias largest trading partner, with total trade (goods and services) in 2009 valued at $85.1 billion, an increase of 15.1 per cent over the previous year. Government and/or NGO Roles: The Australian Government established the Australia-China Council (ACC) in 1978 to promote mutual understanding and foster people-to-people relations between Australia and China. The Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who also appoints the Board members. The function of the Council is to make recommendations to the Australian Government through the Minister for Foreign Affairs on strengthening the Australia-China relationship in ways that support Australias foreign and trade policy interests. The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is a membership-based, non-profit, non-governmental organisation comprising of a National Office, six Branches, and more than 1500 representatives from over 700 Australian companies who do business with China. Founded in 1973, ACBC actively promotes two-way trade and investment, and economic cooperation and understanding, between the business communities of Australia and China. ACBC plays an influential role as an advisor to the Australian Government on commercial relations with China. They are a strong supporter of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China to foster more competitive business in both nations. Founded in Beijing in 1996, The China-Australia Chamber of Commerces (AustCham Beijing) overriding goal is to advance Australian Business in China. It functions to provide members with the information, resources and contacts they need to succeed in China. The Chamber maintains a good working relationship with the Australian Embassy and with the various Australian government departments in China. AustCham is a non-profit organization, which operates independently from government. It is funded entirely by their membership and Chamber activities. Together with their sister AustChams in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, they work to promote strong trade and investment links between Australia and China. Treaties and Agreements- formal and/or informal: On the 18th of April 2005, Australia and China agreed to commence negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) following consideration of a joint FTA Feasibility Study. The study was completed in March 2005, and concluded that there would be significant economic benefits for both Australia and China through the negotiation of an FTA. From April 2013, WESTPAC and ANZ banks will now be the first to directly trade Australian dollars into Chinese Yuan. Due to this fact, deepening of relationships between China and Australia, it signals deepening of trade connections and great opportunities for future growth. Advantages and Disadvantages to Australia of this link: Advantages: Employment will increase in exporting industries and workers will be displaced as import competing industries fold (close down) in the competitive environment. With free trade many jobs have been created in Australia, especially in manufacturing and service industries Consumers benefit in the domestic economy as they can now obtain a greater variety of goods and services. The increased competitions ensure goods and services, are supplied at the lowest prices. Disadvantages: This can impact upon large numbers of workers, their families and local economies. Often it can be difficult for workers to find employment in growth industries and government assistance is necessary. This means that businesses, employees and consumers are more vulnerable to downturns in the economies of our trading partners. Future Direction of link: Australia and China share a strong and rapidly growing trade and economic relationship. Further strengthening and deepening this relationship is a major priority for both countries, with both governments committed to sustaining the impressive trade and investment performance achieved in the past two decades. In that time, China has become Australia’s largest two-way trading partner and vital to Australia’s future economic prosperity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hip-hop :: Papers

Hip-hop Recently, I took a walk around the floor on which I live and asked anyone who I found for their definition of "hip-hop." I wasn't able to ask everyone on the floor, but I really didn't need to either. From the 15 or so people I asked, I got a similar answer, and each was that which I expected to hear. Some of my floormates thought that hip-hop was rap music, others said it was both rap and R&B, and only one person had a good idea of what it actually is. Hip-hop is a culture, and there is a common misconception that hip-hop refers solely to a genre of music. The dictionary definition of hip-hop is "a subculture especially of inner-city youths whose amusements include rap music, graffiti, and break-dancing" (Mish 549). This is a pretty accurate definition of hip-hop. There is a lot more to hip-hop but the dictionary does a good job of giving it a brief definition. The definition explains why I know what hip-hop really is and also why I'm bothered when someone thinks hip-hop is the same as rap. I grew up and have lived my entire life in New York City, perhaps the most urban and diverse place to live in on Earth. It's not possible for a teenager to be more exposed to hip-hop than he is in New York City. I'm also a youth, and people in my age group are more exposed to the culture than those of any other age group. Hip-hop is simply more appealing to young people, but this is not to say that adults can't like hip-hop as well. My roommate said that he wishes he could know more about hip-hop, but where he's from it's simply not possible. He has been exposed to hip-hop more in the past two months than in the eighteen years of his life before that, simply because he has me for a roommate. This came as somewhat of a surprise to me, because I never knew that hip-hop was so non-existent in suburbs such as Mansfield, PA, where my roommate is from. My roommate is definitely not the only person at Penn State from a suburb, so there are many other students here who know even less about the culture than him. My goal, therefore, is to inform these people about hip-hop enough so that they realize there's a lot more to it than just rap music.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homosexuality in America in Reference to Cat

These accusations were made by people such as John Clue and Nicholas De Jingo. Shackled suggests that these critics didn't take into account that writers and their work would have been rejected or censored. (Shackled; 1998). Gay men and women were subject of Senator McCarty Witch' hunts during the ass, they were considered by the government as security risks. The government accused homosexuals as potential acting as spies who would betray them as this type of lifestyle was UN-American. (Shackled; 1998).Homosexuals were also seen as communists, and during the witch hunt in the asses they were prosecuted, even thou proof. Government officials were fired from their jobs. This was known as McCarthy. (Shackled; 1998). â€Å"Inspired by McCarthy, a legislative committee sought to rid Florida of any perceived homosexual, for being gay was not only perversion of the highest magnitude but, more importantly, also tantamount to being a traitor† (Shackled; 1998). During the time that Will iams wrote ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' being gay was one of the worst crimes that someone could commit.Homosexuality was also considered as a mental illness, which meant that anyone ho was open about their gay lifestyle was immediately seen as ‘abnormal. ‘ This meant that the medical procedure known as a Lobotomy could be performed in order to cure homosexuality. These procedures went ahead despite Sigmund Fried's claims that homosexuality was ‘neither an asset nor a liability. ‘ (Shackled; 1998). In ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof It Is clear that Skipper was a gay man. He drank himself to death after admitting his love for Brick, and falling to prove that he wasn't when sleeping with Maggie. Alcohol becomes the means by which both the gay or quasi- ay male characters, Skipper and Brick, run from their inner selves. Skipper is portrayed as a disturbed but clearly homosexual man whose love and admiration for Brick are such that he cannot face the truth Maggie helps reveal to him. † (Shackled; 1998). Skipper is a key role In this play, despite being dead before It begins.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Noticing Hypothesis

The noticing hypothesis is a concept in second-language acquisition proposed by Richard Schmidt in 1990. He stated that learners cannot learn the grammatical features of a language unless they notice them. Noticing alone does not mean that learners automatically acquire language; rather, the hypothesis states that noticing is the essential starting point for acquisition.There is debate over whether learners must consciously notice something, or whether the noticing can be subconscious to some degree (Schmidt, 1990, 2001) Noticing is a complex process: it involves the ntake both of meaning and of form, and it takes time for learners to progress from initial recognition to the point where they can internalize the underlying rule. This argues for teachers to provide recurring opportunities for learners to notice, since one noticing task is most unlikely to be sufficient. More specifically, we may want to work with different kinds of noticing task in future in order to serve different ps ycholinguistic factors.Schmidt (1990), identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge. The first sense, consciousness as awareness, embraces noticing . According to Schmidt (1995, p. 20), â€Å"the noticing hypothesis states that what learners notice in input is what becomes intake for learning. † Schmidt also states that a) whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake; and b) that noticing is a necessary condition for L2 acquisition.In his noticing hypothesis, Schmidt (1990, 1993, 1995; Schmidt & Frota, 1986) shed light n focal attention, or noticing, as a necessary and sufficient condition for input to become intake in SLA, by claiming â€Å"intake is that part of the input that the learner notices† (1990, p. 139). According to Schmidt (1993), second language (L2) learners need to not only comprehend the input but also notice â€Å"whatever features of the input are relevant for the target system† (p. 209).Although these definitions of noticing differ in the degrees or levels of awareness that are deemed necessary for SLA, the researchers all agree on the importance of noticing in SLA. In both the strong version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is necessary and sufficient for second language acquisition) and the weak version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for second language acquisition), noticing is considered to play a significant role in SLA.In Gass and Selinker's (2001) view, noticing or selective attention is â€Å"at the heart of the interaction hypothesis,† (p. 298) and is one of the crucial mechanisms in the negotiation process. Conclusion Attention and noticing (the subjective correlate of attention are crucial concepts for ttention – becoming conscious of some material – seems to be the sover eign remedy for learning anything. It is the universal solvent of the mind† (Baars 1997, P. 04). For SLA, the allocation of attention is the pivotal point at which learner external factors (including the complexity and distributional characteristics of input, the discoursal and interactional context, instructional treatment, and task characteristics) and learner internal factors (including motivation, aptitude, learning styles and strategies, current L2 knowledge and processing ability) come together.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jack London1 essays

Jack London1 essays One is led to believe that if a person is an author, then that person would have the best education that is available to them. However, this is not the case for Jack London. He dropped out of school at the age of fourteen and explored San Francisco, stole oysters, worked for the government, went to Japan, and traveled around the United States by hitching rides on freight trains. This is just a list of the few things he did during the five-year period while he did not attend school. He then returned and finished high school at the age of nineteen to continue onto the University of California at Berkeley, only to quit after one semester. Yet, he is described by Howard Lacchtman, as a born teller of tales (Lundberg 1). Flora Wellman gave birth to Jack London on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. Flora Wellman was an unmarried woman who came from a very wealthy background. Jack Londons father, an astrologer who was very nomadic, deserted him and his mother when Jack London was born. Jack London received his last name from his stepfather who married his mother late in the year of 1876. John London, Flora Wellman, and Jack London moved to Oakland, California in 1886 where Jack London spent his childhood years. It is said that London was a frequent visitor of the Oakland Public Library and loved to read at an early age. Yet, because of the hard times, he always helped support his family by delivering newspapers, sweeping saloon floors, setting up pins in a bowling alley and working at other jobs (Port of Oakland). At the age of fourteen, Jack London decided to quit school to escape poverty and gain adventure ( Inc.). He did a number of things in the five-year period while he escaped from school. He pirated for oysters on the San Francisco Bay, worked to capture poachers on fish patrols, and sailed all around the Pacific Ocean on a sailing ship. He also "...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A mistake can be corrected once found Essays

A mistake can be corrected once found Essays A mistake can be corrected once found Paper A mistake can be corrected once found Paper Learning this course has been very helpful to me. I have acquired skills in conducting researches. Making research is not just reading the references provided by any course instructor. You have to explore more using additional references of your own. In finding references you have to be more specific and do proper selection as some of them were not legitimate. After reading the references you have to find ways of integrating different ideas from different sources. You have to do proper comparison, contrasting, and be able to apply them to your own idea and what is really going on around in the past, and in the present. One indication of the effectiveness of your reading from different sources is when you test yourself by sharing what you have learned based on your own words and not by using the texts word for word from your readings. Sharing ideas in front of the class is very important. A mistake can be corrected once found. The most effective way to find any mistake in any class instruction is to collect ideas from each participating member of the class. It is very possible because each reader has their own understanding of what they have read. Doing the case study is also another way of measuring how a learner has acquired the learning objectives. Case studies enable the student to analyze particular cases, find problems, find solutions, and formulate conclusions. Completing case studies helped us master the process of professional problem solving. You have to identify problems, formulate your objectives, find related literatures, and conduct personal research and experiments. After that you have to integrate your literature readings and every data gathered from personal research and experiments in a discussion. Then afterwards you have to write recommendations and conclusion. Acquiring a skill in pursuing a Research or Study is the most important skill that I have acquired. It takes a lot of hardship and struggle but it is just a slight insight of what we are going to be as we pursue in our field. That is one of the things that I hate. There are situations where I got bored although I am particularly interested in the topic, but I got bored finding more references. All in all, I find my effort fair enough as I have gone this far already. The whole course about Health Information System has given me wider range of perspectives on the importance of Information systems in Health Care. Journeying back to the historical articles have given us a flashback of its early years and of how it has evolved from its traditional state into this present modern technology driven era. The evolution of the system was directly influenced by the impact of computers and the internet. It started as a local health information system that acquires and keeps records of health care and services data which had over years turned into an integrated system composed of health information networks from various locations. One of the biggest problems faced by its early promoters is enabling different network to share information coherently. The problem was solved by the application of JAD (Joint Application Design). Joint discussions of the processes in health information system were discussed on various perspectives of users, systems analysts, and systems modelers. Taking a standard Identification Number that could work from various computer systems and platforms was considered. To enable health information system users to access data from different location, the system was enabled on the internet. It was the first introduction of the system to the Web, which enables many clients to access data simultaneously.