Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Women Are Treated in India - 576 Words

In many parts of the world females still have very little rights. Indeed, equality between men and women have been accepted by the majority of the developed countries, but developing countries still struggle to see women as equals to men, and India is one of the worst. Currently, the Indian National Congress Party is only 10% female, limiting the say women get. In India, women are definitely not seen as equals to men are being treated like second rate citizens. It also really says something about the inequality in a country when its women are so used to being treated badly most of them do not even recognize that they have rights. In India, men were always valued more than women, which is why an estimated ten million female foetuses are aborted every year. The lack of females in areas leads to crimes like human trafficking for sexual reasons like giving birth to more children. Old traditions and beliefs are the main reasons to why millions of female foetuses are aborted every year, bu t it is also the reason behind bride burning, another serious issue in India. Bride burning, also known as dowry death occurs quite frequently in India. It is when the husband or the in-laws decide that the dowry the bride offers is not enough and demands more. If the bride refuses or is financially not able to increase her dowry, she is tortured until she either agrees or dies; otherwise she is murdered by her â€Å"family†. The husbands and the in-laws usually disguise the deaths as accidents orShow MoreRelatedIndian Culture : India s Economy And Cultural Change1704 Words   |  7 Pages In India approximately ninety-five percent of the marriages are prearranged by the wives family (Kulman). Once the Indian woman s parents pick her husband, then his house is now hers. 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