Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Primary Source Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Primary Source Analysis - Essay Example All of this is set against the background of the Cold War, which sharpened animosities between capitalist and communist world views, and raised the spectre of world annihilation from nuclear war between Communist Russia and the Capitalist United States. The FLQ was an extremist organization and it organized campaigns violent action, including the bombing of the Canadian Stock Exchange in 1969 and the assassination of government minister Laporte in 1970. The Manifesto sets out its urgent demand for total liberation of the Quebecois people from all higher powers. It professes to have at first been supportive of the conventional nationalist â€Å"Parti Quà ©becois† but this party’s electoral defeat by the Liberals is portrayed as evidence for the ineffectiveness of this organization. The hardship experienced by many groups of working people is cited, including fishermen, miners, construction workers, factory workers, as well as other groups such as welfare recipients and policemen. Their poverty is blamed on the high taxation systems that the Canadian Federal Government has introduced, and also on trade contracts between Canada and Britain which benefit the governments and the wealthy business owners, but not the ordinary workers. The manifesto states that the QLF has not used all of the means available to it, including violent ones like arms and dynamite to free workers from exploitation by their greedy bosses. Institu tions such as the Church and the Universities, which represent the establishment, are also criticized, and the manifesto ends with a call to rise up in revolution against all of these oppressors. This document is an example of Marxist revolutionary propaganda and it offers an insight into the thinking of the people behind the terrorist acts committed by the FLQ in the 1960s and 1970s in Montreal and Quebec. Evidence for this thesis can be found in three of the document’s main features : Ideas. The authors of the document imply that it

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