Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Big Bang Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Big Bang Theory - Research Paper Example This study analyzes the reality of the Big Bang Theory, all the while exploring the thoughts and ideas of members of society. Like religion, believing in the scientific definition of our origin requires an element of faith. While many may be willing to put their faith in the existence of God, other are unwilling to place their trust in science that cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The reality is that we do not exactly what happened to turn the nothingness that existed before our universe into the vast expanse of galaxies that we know today. This paper, however, seeks to make sense of the big questions and move people towards a deeper understanding of the reality and complexities of the universe. Keywords: Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, NASA, Leonard Mlodinow, Hubble Telescope, Age of the Universe, Particle Expansion, Albert Einstein, Mass Acceleration, God Particle, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) The Big Bang Theory, Science’s God Particle Introduction/Literature Review D o you ever look into the sky, whether it is day or night, and wonder where it all started? Maybe you wonder where we came from, or how everything that we know today came about. People from all walks of life ask these questions; although how one is raised play a big part in what one is willing to accept as reality. This paper aims to explain the Big Bang Theory and how it scientifically ties into the birth of the universe. The Big Bang Theory is just one of many ideas formed in an effort to explain the process by which the universe was created. The theory is more than just conjecture, however, as it is based on scientific reasoning that has evolved through the years. Recent discoveries in the areas of astronomy and physics point to the reality that our universe did has some type of beginning, and the Big Bang Theory is an educated effort to explain the beginning and offer new insight as to our origins. Humans have long been fascinated with the universe, but few answers really existed as to how it all started. To be certain, there have been many conjectures made over the years, some based on science and others on religion, but the lingering question still existed. If there was nothing prior to the creation of the universe, there must have been a precipitating event that set off a chain reaction that formed the universe, as we know it today. While it can be argued that nobody can know for certain how the universe was created, the Big Bang Theory does seem to indicate, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there was a certain process by which this occurred. To begin a review of the Big Bang Theory, one should start at the beginning. The most commonly held belief amongst physicists is that the universe came into being about 13.7 billion years ago (Kargh, 1996). This figure takes into account the creation of the universe beginning as â€Å"singularity†. While scientists admit that they truly do not understand how this happens, singularity is attached to the term to describe an event that defies our current ability to understand certain aspects of physics. Interestingly enough, it is this fact that gives credence to the other popular theory of creation, which forms the basis for this study to follow. Singularities can be likened to black holes. Such holes are areas in the university that

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