Monday, September 30, 2019

Movie Tehcniques

Film, what do you think of when you hear that word? A motion picture is simply a series of still pictures shown quickly so they stimulate motion. But a film can be so much more than that. It can tell a story, inform people of news, or educate. A film can surprise, aggravate, and inspire the imagination. Some of the necessary skills to analyze how images are constructed, how they create meanings, and how they affect us help us to better understand film as a whole. Throughout the class we watched several films each displaying some different techniques used throughout the films.These techniques help provide a dynamic approach to discover the different meanings that the viewer can receive from the film. In Buster Keaton’s Sherlock Jr. made in 1924, the specific film technique that best stands out is mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene is the composition or what’s in the scene or frame. This technique includes long take, long shot, and moving camera. A specific example of a scene f rom the film that illustrates mise-en-scene is when Sherlock Jr. (Buster Keaton) is riding on the handle bars of the motorcycle that the theater manager, Gillette (Ford West) is racing around through town on (154).Sherlock Jr. is unaware that Gillette has fallen off and he is performing crazy stunts while on the handle bars with no driver. One of the extreme stunts that he performed is when the motorcycle appears to cross a bridge that is open so it looks like he could plummet to the ground, but just as he is crossing the gap two trucks pass underneath him filling the gap and he safely makes is across. From this account, this powerful scene shows mise-en-scene perfectly. The camera is taking a long take which means that the camera is taking a single unbroken shot that can be moving or stationary.In this case the camera is moving with the action which shows moving camera. The scene also fills long shot which is a shot that shows the full human body, and the camera is also showing the background behind Sherlock Jr. while he racing around town performing crazy stunts. This technique is used to help keep this silent American comedy interesting and the audience intrigued throughout the performance that Sherlock Jr. is presenting. In Sergei Eisenstein’s 1926 film, Battleship Potemkin, the specific film technique that stands out is montage.Montage is different than mise-en-scene instead of long take, long shot, and moving camera it is a sequence of quick shots, showing a condensed series of events. The individual shots put together to cause and emotional or intellectual reactions to the audience. Eisenstein believed that film montage could create ideas or have impact beyond the individual images. He wanted to represent perceptions powerfully more than emotions directly (172). A specific example of a scene that illustrates montage very well is the Odessa Steps scene.In this scene, the Tsar’s soldiers march down a seemingly endless flight of steps in a rh ythmic, machine like fashion. While walking down the steps they are shooting into the crowd of town’s citizens creating a traumatic massacre. There were several victims including an older woman trying to stop the soldiers but she is stabbed with a knife. The next shot is of a young boy that was killed and his mother was protesting for them to help her because her boy had been hurt, but they didn’t even listen and shot her.The next shot flashes to a mother holding onto a baby carriage but she is shot. As she falls to her death she knocks the carriage down the steps. The camera continues to show the carriage tumbling down the stairs and then zooming in on the wheels of the carriage and it quickly plummets down the steps. During these main shots, there were quick shots of other town citizen’s dying and scurrying to get away. This seven minute scene just showed complete and utter chaos.Montage is used for the Odessa Step scene because it allows Eisenstein to manipul ate the audience’s perceptions of time by stretching out the crowd’s flight down the steps. The rapid progression and alteration of images in the sequence gives the audience just a piece from a dreadful nightmare. This sequence of montage sets up the audience to rise up against oppression and the Tsar government. In Orson Welles 1989 film, Citizen Kane, the specific film technique that stands out right from the beginning is mise-en-scene.As explained earlier mise-en-scene is what the director decides to put into the film frame such as lighting, the setting, costume, and the movement and actions of figures appearing within the film. The scene that shows the most powerful and significant mise-en-scene is the first flashback scene set at Charles Foster Kane’s (Orson Welles) childhood home. The scene begins showing Kane in the background, while in the foreground, his parents (Mary and Jim Kane) and Mr. Walter Parks Thatcher (George Coulouris) are discussing his futu re.Kane appears visually trapped within the frames of a window, foreshadowing the way in which he will be â€Å"trapped† into Mr. Thatcher’s guardianship. During the scene, they show a close up of Kane’s facial expression and they fade out to reveal the sleigh, Rosebud, which he was happily playing with moments before. The beginning scene of the flashback of Kane’s happy childhood being given into the hands of Mr. Thatcher illustrates mise-en-scene very well. The scene provides a great example of deep focus, which is the drama within the frame.The director focuses on the foreground with his mother signing the papers, the father in the middle by the door, and young Kane outside the window. The use of mise-en-scene keeps the audience intrigued into who Kane was referring to when he was dying and asked for rosebud. They continue to use long take, long shot, and at the end the moving camera reveals what Rosebud was. By not revealing that Rosebud was the sled from his child hood right from the beginning, the audience stays curious as to who Rosebud really was.In Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly’s 1951 film, Singin’ in the Rain, the specific film technique that stands out is mise-en-scene. When mise-en-scene is applied to film it means everything that is present before the camera, which includes arrangement of props, actors and sets. During the entire film, mise-en-scene was shown through performance of the main characters Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), Kathy Seldon (Debbie Reynolds), Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) and Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor). These characters would often express their emotions through song or dance.One example of a scene that shows mise-en-scene thoroughly is when Don Lockwood performs the song, â€Å"Singing in the Rain. † The scene starts with Don Lockwood kissing Kathy Selden on the doorstep of the house. This starts off as a long shot before zooming into a close up of the two kissing and they are both under Lockwood’s umbrella, which is a crucial prop for the entire scene. There is a constant rain throughout the scene, which is acknowledged by Kathy who states â€Å"This California dew is just a little heavier than usual tonight,† before she goes back inside.Don then waves away the waiting taxi which has been visible since the start of the scene. Don begins to sing the opening of â€Å"Singing in the Rain. † He then shuts his umbrella and begins dancing down the street, filled with a mixture of houses and shops with displays on the window. Don interacts with almost all of the props like the light pole on the sidewalk and the puddles of water on the road. Two people rush past him hiding under a newspaper, while he dances around them giving them a cheerful wave.Throughout his performance, Don carries an umbrella as some kind of dance partner, and at one point using it as an air guitar. This technique is used in the movie to allow the audience to use the pe rformance to perceive different perceptions and meanings of the images and sound. Mise-en-scene in this specific scene with Don creates a different effect, leaving the audience with a feel good moment. Everyone lives in a different reality and that is why people enjoy watching films. They give insight into the worlds of others.Film directors do their best to portray their characters’ lives and make them as believable as they can. They do this through the different film techniques to help describe the way that meaning is created throughout the film. Many help set up the realism with costumes, setting and performance, while others use a series of quick shots to condense space, time and information. Even though film is just a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of images, when shown to an audience the meanings created helps them to better understand the films overall.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Improve own performance in a business environment Essay

1.1 Explain the purpose and benefits of continuously improving performance at work Everyone should strive to improve their performance. Organisations also strive to improve the performance of the whole of their workforce. As an individual, the purpose of continuously improving our performance at work is to make ourselves a more valuable employee who is more efficient and reliable. As a consequence of our improved performance, the organisation will also be more efficient and effective. We can achieve improvements in our performance by considering everything which we do to be a process of continuous development. Every time we carry out a new task we will be learning new skills and developing our flexible approach to work. As we work we will also be updating our existing skills, allowing us to progress and become more confident. Having and experienced member of staff review our work can be very useful as they will be able to tell us about any mistakes we are making and point us in the right direction in terms of making our job easier and more efficient. These reviews can look at our general work during an appraisal or ongoing work as and when the opportunity arises. Self-assessment does not mean that we have to be critical of ourselves. Neither does it mean that we should praise ourselves as to the efficiency or quality of our work. It means trying to step away from ourselves and look at what we are doing. Even if we only take time at the end of the working week to reflect on how our week has gone, this is a step in the right direction to making a self-assessment of how we have worked. 1.2 Explain the purpose and benefits of encouraging and accepting feedback from others Feedback is responses which we receive from other people in reaction to our work or our performance. Much feedback is informal. – It may simply be a thank you for the work which we have done. We should be prepared, however, to receive both positive and negative feedback, as  sometimes the work which we have done will not be of sufficient quality, or the person will not think that we can be relied on in the future. The key purpose of encouraging and accepting feedback from others is to provide us with opportunities to improve areas of our work. By encouraging feedback, more experienced employees can help us come up with solutions to many of the common supported by suggestions on how to improve. Many businesses have formal feedback, usually in the form of an appraisal system. Appraisals are reviews of progress and look at our abilities. Appraisals are opportunities for us and our supervisors to set targets and plans to improve our performance. These appraisals will allow us to talk about our job, what we plan to do in the future and whether we would benefit from additional training. Appraisals are confidential and aim to be positive. We should use these formal feedback sessions as they may be one of the few chances we have to talk about our work, uninterrupted, with our immediate superior. 1.3 Explain how learning and development can improve own work, benefit organisations, and identify career options Training is normally a part of the appraisal system, but there may be regular training opportunities which are advertised within the business. If we feel that these training programmes would be of value to us, our team and the business, there is no reason why we should not enquire as to whether we could get involved. The benefits of learning and development are not only for the individual but also for the organisation itself. One good example is that training and development, whether it is formal education or learning on the job, means individuals are ready to take over key job roles. Many businesses and organisation lose staff on a regular basis; they either move on to another business or organisation or they may retire. Each time a member of staff who has worked for the organisation for some time leaves,  key expertise is also lost. Encouraging learning and development for all staff enables a business to identify successors for key posts. It helps them to plan their career paths and make sure that the business continues to run in an efficient way, even if an expert member of staff has left. There are plenty of ways in which learning and development can go on as a regular part of the working week. In some cases businesses or organisation will encourage staff to attend external training courses, giving us time off in order to do this. They will also encourage staff to continue the education, perhaps in the evening. However, many businesses and organisations have developed comprehensive training programmes that are carried out in-house. It is not always possible to identify a clear set of career options when we first join a new business or organisation. Career options will depend on not only our abilities and willingness to learn and develop but also the way in which the organisation works. Some organisations retain their staff for a very long period of time, which restricts career options for those who have not been there as long. Other businesses and organisations are not growing fast enough, so opportunities are limited. This may mean that some employees will have to look for career options elsewhere, or perhaps switch the type of work that type are doing for something that offers a better opportunity. The main point of learning and developing is not only that the individual can improve their standards of work but also that the organisation benefits because it becomes more efficient and effective. 1.4 Describe possible career progression routes & 1.5 Describe possible development opportunities Administration itself has a clear career path, even though this may mean having to change employers in order to reach the next stage. The broad career progression is: -trainee administrative assistant or administrative assistant- providing basic administrative support, working under supervision and probably as a member of a team -trainee administrative officer or administrative officer- someone who provides administrative support and  generates and implements procedures -administrative team supervisor or office supervisor- someone who allocates tasks to team members and generally organises and monitors day-to-day administrative support -personal assistant- an individual who provides day-to-day administrative support for senior individuals in the business or organisation -administrative section manager- someone who develops and implements procedures to meet the business’s or organisation’s needs. They plan, control and evaluate day-to-day administrative support Company secretary or senior administrative manager- someone who ensure that the organisation or business complies with legal requirements. We can review our own performance or ask others to review our performance and appraise the way in which we can currently carry out work. We can also set ourselves targets so that we can gradually improve our overall skills: -professional -information handling -interpersonal -self-application Career development is all about recognising and seizing on opportunities that could increase our employability, general level of education, experience and skills. Opportunities arise at different times, both before we enter work and while we are in work. We should be looking for opportunities that will give us a chance to gain training, experience or qualifications whenever we can. Typical types of career development include: -induction-this is the initial period, just after we have started working for a business. The induction programme will tell us about the business, its procedures, policies and rules. It will explain to us how we are suppose to work and what the business expects of us. -training needs-a good employer will carry out what is known as training needs analysis, both on its new employees and on a yearly basis with its existing employees. The business will use our job specification, person specification and current abilities  to help identify gaps between what we can do and what we are expected to do. The process should reveal any training that we require in order to get us up to scratch or to improve the way in which we carry out our job. -development plans-in many ways these are similar to training needs analysis, but they usually take a slightly less formal approach. The idea is to identify our longer-term career plans and to match any training or qualifications that may be of assistanc e to us. These are normally carried out on an annual basis and have agreed targets. -performance targets- these are minimum levels of work or output that we will be required to complete by our employer. Performance targets are difficult to set for some individual workers, so a departmental or section target may be set. These will require us to complete work by specified deadlines and very much depend on the type of work involved. -certificated training- this is training that we may be offered, which leads to recognised qualifications, such as an NVQ. These types of training are extremely useful for personal development as they allow us to demonstrate our ability to work at a particular level -uncertified training-these are normally in-house training programmes, designs specifically for the business, perhaps to update on policies and procedures. They are usually relevant only to the business in which we are working and may have no practical value if we switch jobs and move to another organisat ion. -personal development-there are a number of ways in which we can proceed with our personal development. Some may be formal and include, as we have seen, training need analysis, various types of training and development plans. Personal development is our own ideal improvement plan, which would have to be agreed with our employer -flexible working-this can simply be working add hours, but more specifically it is our willingness to work in different areas of the business. This leads to what is known as multi-skilling, which is a measure of our ability to adapt to different types of work and our willingness to learn new skills so that we be of greater use and value to our employer. We should seize chances to work in different areas of the business so we can get a better picture of what the business is all about and how particular tasks, carried out by different parts of the business, fit together -progression opportunities-these are the opportunities that will present themselves for us to be promoted and to gain a higher paid and more valued post at work. By gradually taking on training  and opportunities to work in different areas of the business we will have developed ourselves to such an extent that our employer recognises we should be rewarded for our efforts. As our skills and experience improve, progression opportunities will present themselves. With each step we will gain access to higher-level work and begin the process of improvement once again so that we can seize the next opportunity for progression. [681.2] Be able to improve own work performance using feedback 2.1 Encourage and accept feedback from other people  Feedback is responses which we receive from other people in reaction to our work or our performance. Much feedback is informal. – It may simply be a thank you for the work which we have done. We should be prepared, however, to receive both positive and negative feedback, as sometimes the work which we have done will not be of sufficient quality, or the person will not think that we can be relied on in the future. The key purpose of encouraging and accepting feedback from others is to provide us with opportunities to improve areas of our work. By encouraging feedback, more experienced employees can help us come up with solutions to many of the common supported by suggestions on how to improve. 2.2 Use feedback to agree way ti improve own performance in the workplace Many businesses have formal feedback, usually in the form of an appraisal system. Appraisals are reviews of progress and look at our abilities. Appraisals are opportunities for us and our supervisors to set targets and plans to improve our performance. These appraisals will allow us to talk about our job, what we plan to do in the future and whether we would benefit from additional training. Appraisals are confidential and aim to be positive. We should use these formal feedback sessions as they may be one of the few chances we have to talk about our work, uninterrupted, with our immediate superior. 2.3 Complete work tasks, using feedback give, to improve performance One of the difficulties in receiving feedback is ensuring that a suitable individual witnesses us carrying out the work. One of the ways of getting  around this problem is to identify opportunities in the near future when we will be undertaking different work tasks and it is convenient for our selected individuals to observe us doing this. We should try to organise this before we carry out the first two parts of the learning outcome. [681.3]Be able to agree own development needs using a learning plan 3.1 Investigate and agree where a further learning and development may improve own work performance Most businesses and organisations have a human resources department. Within there will be individuals who are aware of formal and informal learning and development opportunities. There is a wide range of ways in which we could make use of their expertise and take their advice. We need to remember that not all learning and development needs to lead to a certificate. In fact, some of the best learning and development goes on in a very informal way within the workplace environment. We can easily learn and develop by simply watching or shadowing an experienced member of staff. We can use learn their techniques and their ways of dealing with situations. We can use their years of experience in having carried out a similar role to our own- they will know all the best ways to make sure that the task is carried out to a high standard and within deadlines. Many businesses and organisations will also use their human resources department to design specific training programmes. A key part of the human resources department’s job is to look at training needs. They will examine appraisals or performance reviews in order to identify areas where additional training is needed. They can then organise specific training to cover those areas or gaps in what we are expected to do compared with what we can do at present. 3.2 Confirm learning plan changes A learning plan is a simple document where we can set personal targets and record our achievements. Our plan needs to: -cover what we have already done or achieved-this records all important learning that we have already carried out -identify what we would like to learn, or achieve, in the future-this means identifying our goals -identify our targets-what we will have to do on the way to getting where we want to be -identify who can help-what support  and guidance do we need? -have a clear action plan-what do we need to learn? What is the purpose of learning it? How will we know when we have done it? The key part is also to keep our plan updated. We need to go through our plan on a regular basis and see whether we can add anything. 3.3 Follow a learning plan The first stages of following a learning plan should be relatively straightforward. However, we can use our learning plan in a number of ways from the outset: -we can use it to identify work that we can carry out which can then be observed to provide evidence -we can identify areas that we are going to struggle to find evidence for and work towards creating that evidence or the opportunity to produce that evidence -we should also use the learning plan as our next logical step -we need to make sure that as we complete each learning outcome, assessment criterion, unit, we update our learning plan and check it to see whether there is evidence already generated that can be used elsewhere. 3.4 Review progress against learning plan and agree further learning updates, if required. A learning plan is a live document. It is specific to us and it should incorporate our long-term goals. The learning plan is a written version of our career aspirations. It shows where we want to be in the future, where we are now and the steps that we have to take in order to get to our destination. We should review our progress on a regular basis. Some people in full- or part-time employment will discover that a learning plan is in fact part of a learning agreement with their employer because it: -identifies the learning outcomes or objectives that we wish to achieve -identifies the strategies to meet the objectives or outcomes -identifies the evidence we will need to produce to show that we have achieved. By reviewing our learning plan we will be able to make the best use of the learning we of. It will focus our learning where it is most needed. It will help us identify the opportunities for learning and it will also prepare us for appraisals and performance reviews.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Research paper, management responsibility of a small, start-up Essay

Research paper, management responsibility of a small, start-up software company - Essay Example The cut throat environment of global business demands a committed management that is focused towards collective goals and creative thinking. The management needs to accept the challenge of creating a cohesive and encouraging atmosphere so that the workers could get effective learning environment. They are also responsible for advocating and nurturing a high standard of ethics and quality work while fostering a good relationship amongst them which includes the administrators, management and entire customer base. The major objective of quality management is to promote quality assurance at various levels of business processes through measures that drastically reduce the percentage of error within the production and maintain a minimum standard. Juran asserts ‘all quality improvement occurs on a project-by-project basis and in no other way’ (Juran, 2000). This is the foundation of quality assurance techniques and application which the organizations follow in order to meet the challenges of the time. Hence, the changing dynamics of the global business has necessitated formation and incorporation of management strategies that go beyond the realm of individual company’s concern and plan for distinctive competencies to give the company market leadership. The focused approach must facilitate and identify the critical factors of change and meet the challenges with creative inputs through collective vision and shared goals. IBM believes that policy rationale for quality management promotes ‘productivity and quality across the entire service lifecycle from requirements, design, development, quality assurance, security, and compliance to deployment and operations’ (IBM). Hence, SQM must ensure that careful consideration of various inter-related modules, which are intrinsic to its successful implementation, are incorporated within the processes to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Explain Descartess concept of Hyperbolic doubt Essay

Explain Descartess concept of Hyperbolic doubt - Essay Example Conclusively, the concept validates the view that an individual, though may doubt, cannot doubt his existence. Just like any other concept, employing hyperbolic doubt has both positive and negative sides. One of the major benefits is that the universal application of the concept can help in freeing the world from the pervasive war between the existing religions, as evident between Muslims and Christians. Naturally, the war exists because of the different beliefs held by each party. This means that employing hyperbolic doubt will unveil the truth consequently quelling away the war of beliefs (Nicholas and Schindler, 172). Employing hyperbolic doubt may prove to promote innovation and development if applied on a large scale. Most of the innovations, especially in medicine and technology, were once perceived as impossible; consequently, in the presence of the concept, the innovators come up with doubts on their possible projects until they achieve the truth. In essence, it promotes the ability of the world to move forward because it orients the subjects to constantly doubt things to the point of getting real answers. The major disadvantage of employing the concept is that it ends up promoting suspicion among its subjects. The suspicion created triggers the belief that evil is pervasive, especially in instances where there is no clear understanding of a given aspect (Nicholas and Schindler, 172). Usually, this makes the subject unfriendly because of the inescapable mistrust coming as the result of holding hyperbolic doubt. Further, the hyperbolic doubt also subjects individual to avoid judgment using â€Å"face value† making them only believe on the worst case scenario. Intuitively, employing the concept will only make other people look more sinister than we care. Hyperbolic doubt is a sub-set of skepticism considering that it concerns doubting aspects to the point where all the slightest doubts are subdued. In which case, skepticism

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why do many small businesses fail Research Paper - 2

Why do many small businesses fail - Research Paper Example opting to launch a new product in the market, while launching a new product it will take various factors such as employment rate, interest rate and rules and regulations set by the government (Dodsworth, 1997, p.1980). The rate of employment will help the organization determine whether the individuals living in the nation have the power to purchase their product or not. If the rate of unemployment is high, individuals will focus on spending less and when individuals focus on spending less, they refrain from trying new products. Due to this all the investment and the finances invested to produce, promote and sell a new [product might go in vain. Secondly, the organization has to ensure that the product they are launching the activities they are going to conduct to launch the product are consistent with the rules and regulations of the country, this is because if the company fails to comply with a nations rules and regulations, it might have to face heavy sanctions and

A World Without Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A World Without Books - Essay Example Books have been among the greatest inventions of the human race and it has been through them that human civilization has been able to advance. Books have become so essential that it is difficult to envisage humanity without them. Books have been the way through which the history of the human race has been transmitted from one age group to another. In addition, they have been the through which official records have been kept, and without them, all the great civilizations of the past would not have been able to blossom and flourish as they did. Throughout history, scholars and those people who could read have been greatly revered by their fellow men because they were believed to be the carriers of and transmitters of knowledge. Before the modern times, books were extremely rare and were intensely sought after by those who could read them. In the Western world, books were so rare that the only book that many of those who could read had read was the bible, a book that certain priests cou ld not even read. The ownership of and the ability to read books were therefore a source of great prestige for those who had the privilege of having them. This privilege eventually came to be spread all over the world as more people became literate and books became commonplace. However, there has recently developed a trend where people have come to prefer other forms of entertainment at the expense of books, which are slowly, but surely, being viewed as relics of the past. A world without books is a concept that many people are yet to comprehend because a majority of the literate people in the world today at some point enjoys reading. While this is a fact, one has to consider that there have developed newer and seemingly more interesting forms of entertainment, which many of the younger generation is adapting to instead of books. This is creating a situation similar to that in the novel Fahrenheit 451 where books are of no value and any that are found are destroyed. In the world of this novel, books are considered by society to be useless and due to popular demand, it has become the duty of the firemen to destroy every available copy that is found. The influence of other media such as soap operas has become so great that the population prefers it to books, which are looked upon as being too strenuous to read. Books, mainly because of the conflicting information that is found within them, have disillusioned many of the characters in the novel. Beatty, the boss of the main character, is said to have once been an avid reader, but his disillusionment with books soon led him to get involved in their destruction as a firefighter (Bradbury 61-62). His disillusionment with them seems to be so great that he makes Montag, the main character, destroy the book that he realizes that the latter has in his possession. One would say that a world without books would be a dreary place within which to live because books have traditionally been the means of transmitting knowledge from one generation to another. Through books, issues are discussed more deeply and in the process, the reader gets to have a better understanding of the issues being discussed. This is not true of other sources of information, because these sources are scarce in content and this creates a situation where individuals get only a shallow understanding of the subject matter. In Fahrenheit 451, it is seen that because of the destruction of books, knowledge has become static, not being able to grow as it should (Bradbury 87). Those people who possess books are completely ostracized from society and are put in mental asylums because of their intellect. This makes it extremely difficult for knowledge to be transmitted and the lack of this knowledge has made the people in this society disillusioned with life. Because of their hatred for books, the society in Fahrenheit 451 is not equipped to deal with the issues of day-to-day life and they have instead become artificial. The world would fa ce this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Big Bang Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Big Bang Theory - Research Paper Example This study analyzes the reality of the Big Bang Theory, all the while exploring the thoughts and ideas of members of society. Like religion, believing in the scientific definition of our origin requires an element of faith. While many may be willing to put their faith in the existence of God, other are unwilling to place their trust in science that cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The reality is that we do not exactly what happened to turn the nothingness that existed before our universe into the vast expanse of galaxies that we know today. This paper, however, seeks to make sense of the big questions and move people towards a deeper understanding of the reality and complexities of the universe. Keywords: Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, NASA, Leonard Mlodinow, Hubble Telescope, Age of the Universe, Particle Expansion, Albert Einstein, Mass Acceleration, God Particle, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) The Big Bang Theory, Science’s God Particle Introduction/Literature Review D o you ever look into the sky, whether it is day or night, and wonder where it all started? Maybe you wonder where we came from, or how everything that we know today came about. People from all walks of life ask these questions; although how one is raised play a big part in what one is willing to accept as reality. This paper aims to explain the Big Bang Theory and how it scientifically ties into the birth of the universe. The Big Bang Theory is just one of many ideas formed in an effort to explain the process by which the universe was created. The theory is more than just conjecture, however, as it is based on scientific reasoning that has evolved through the years. Recent discoveries in the areas of astronomy and physics point to the reality that our universe did has some type of beginning, and the Big Bang Theory is an educated effort to explain the beginning and offer new insight as to our origins. Humans have long been fascinated with the universe, but few answers really existed as to how it all started. To be certain, there have been many conjectures made over the years, some based on science and others on religion, but the lingering question still existed. If there was nothing prior to the creation of the universe, there must have been a precipitating event that set off a chain reaction that formed the universe, as we know it today. While it can be argued that nobody can know for certain how the universe was created, the Big Bang Theory does seem to indicate, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there was a certain process by which this occurred. To begin a review of the Big Bang Theory, one should start at the beginning. The most commonly held belief amongst physicists is that the universe came into being about 13.7 billion years ago (Kargh, 1996). This figure takes into account the creation of the universe beginning as â€Å"singularity†. While scientists admit that they truly do not understand how this happens, singularity is attached to the term to describe an event that defies our current ability to understand certain aspects of physics. Interestingly enough, it is this fact that gives credence to the other popular theory of creation, which forms the basis for this study to follow. Singularities can be likened to black holes. Such holes are areas in the university that

Monday, September 23, 2019

Trends Affecting the Nurse as Educator Research Paper

Trends Affecting the Nurse as Educator - Research Paper Example Change is everywhere, defining not just only what we all teach, but in addition to this how we all teach our students. Transformations occurring in nursing as well as nursing education are simply driven by some socioeconomic variables, developments in health care deliveries and also professional problems unique to the nursing profession (Cerf, 1976). Shifts in the population of the United States have greatly affected the health care priorities and the practice regarding nursing. As a result of progress in public clinical and health care, the average life span is growing rapidly. It has been estimated that by the year 2020, around 20 percent of the population will have grown 65 or older. Greater life-span of people with chronic and also acute ailments will challenge medical care system's power to give useful and powerful care. High growth rate in the diversity of population affect the nature and occurrence of the illnesses and diseases that require alteration in practices which depict s diverse beliefs and attitudes. Discrepancy in mortality, morbidity, and access to care among population have improved, even when the socioeconomic and other relating factors have caused growth in violence and the drug abuse. Nursing practice, training, and study must take hold of and cater these changing demographics, and healthcare professionals must emphasize on spiritual well being, as well as the psychosocial and the physical health of the entire population (Zerwekh, 2011). The demographics of the students have also changed. Diversity of race and ethnicity in the health care and nursing schools have emerged drastically, providing a healthy and rich environment for the students to learn. Students nowadays enter nursing schools at older ages bringing with them various college and work experiences. They are either full-time workers or some of them are raising their families which limits their academic experience and requires flexibility while scheduling (Zerwekh, 2011). The radic al change in the information technology has already brought about a drastic change on the education of the nurses and the delivery of the health care. Development in the technological sector has enhanced the usage of telemedicine and telehealth that brings together the provider and the patient without the need of physical presence. The nurses of the current era should be proficient in computer technology. Easy and flexible access to the data now has an affect on how nursing research should be conducted (Zerwekh, 2011). Globalization has been caused by advancement in the commerce and international travelling, information technology and expansion of the multinational sectors. Along with the possibility of fast disease spread, there is also a possibility for drastic improvement of health because of share of knowledge between the health care systems and cultures. Science of nursing should have power to deal with medical problems like the emerging infections. Education and research of nu rsing should be more internationally focused now to get benefit from multicultural exposure (Zerwekh, 2011). This century patients are well informed who tends to take part in decisions that affect their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Does the homecoming of Chinese students who completed higher education Dissertation

Does the homecoming of Chinese students who completed higher education abroad have an effect on the employability of the Chinese - Dissertation Example The present economic crisis that affected the western countries worse also contributed in the change of the trend in recent period. Contents Page 1. Introduction 3-6 1.2 Research Points 7 1.3 Aims and Objectives 8-9 2. Theoretical Framework Literature Review 10-19 3. Hypotheses 19 4. Empirical Research Literature Review 20-28 5. Methodology 29-32 6. Findings 33-41 7. Conclusion 42-43 Appendix Bibliography 1. INTRODUCTION With increased globalization international trade across countries, have increased increasing business opportunities and investments and contracting boundaries between nations across the world. However, it has also resulted in stiff competition among the business organizations and hence created barriers for the entrance of new potential business firms. Despite these drawbacks, globalization has brought about huge improvements in the sector of information, technology, and communication and with the advancements in the Internet connections people are being able to gathe r information on any field and for any country of the world. Thus with increased globalization the Chinese students are also being increasingly aware of the educational and employment opportunities in the developed countries of the world mainly the European and the American countries. ... China remains a leading civilization outstanding the other countries in arts, science, culture etc for the recent years. The single party controlled political state experienced a market-oriented approach of development after 1978 and since then output and the pace of the country’s development quadrupled. The living standards of many families experienced a drastic improvement as the country is increasing its reach and participation in international organizations. The phenomenal economic growth of the country and its increasing contribution to the world’s aggregate trade is making it famous in the international community. In the year, 2010 China has been the largest exporter in the world trade. The double-digit growth rate of the economy in the last 10 years has made it the second largest in terms of the Gross Domestic Product of the country just after the United States of America. The country went ahead of Japan in the year 2001 with its economic development. The economi c downturn of 2009 for the first time reduced the demand for the country’s exports in many years but the country again hold back the economy rebounding quickly with a GDP growth rate of 10% in 2010 exceeding all countries (The world fact book, 2010). After the establishment of the Republic of China, the communist party of the country and the central government decided to send the students and the scholars of the country to different socialist states of the world like Soviet Union. The main aim was to bring home knowledge from the foreign countries that would in turn help to develop the country in terms of science, technology, and managerial skills to compete with the western countries. Thus, policies and regulations were made to support the scholars going abroad and encourage

Saturday, September 21, 2019

English Language Essay Example for Free

English Language Essay English is the universal language; thus, the need for its mastery is a must. Its diverse concepts need be learned in detail so that the communication between two conversing parties could be made in an efficient and effective manner. In achieving this end, my English writing teacher has greatly contributed to my learning of the intricacies of the English language.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This English writing class under my teacher was the best class I attended so far. It was a very engaging class where everyone had the chance to interact with each other academically; thus, everyone improved intellectually at the same pace. My teacher enthusiastically elaborates on certain aspects of a lesson which I had difficulty comprehending; the assignments were excellently explained as well as the giving of lecture instructions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some instructions in the writing class were complicated, but my teacher took meticulous efforts to simplify these into easily comprehensible lessons. I took great interest in writing essays because I knew that my teacher grades them honestly and fairly; hence, this enabled mo to appraise my standing in class and to improve on other facets of writing in which I am not particularly good at.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I learned a lot under my teacher’s tutelage; not only academically, but also on those that pertain to life outside the portals of the academic institution. A lesson that reverberates in my mind is that we should do our best in everything that we do. I learned this particular lesson when I wasn’t able to get a good grade for one of my essays; thus, I have to always do my best in every essay that I write. Eventually my perseverance paid off, I got good grades for my subsequent essays.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   English writing is not at all that complex if someone is there to assist you in your endeavor to learn the English language. The right person for the job is a first-rate English writing teacher.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Water Crisis: Causes, Impact and History

Water Crisis: Causes, Impact and History Fresh water crisis The damages people made to get the water supplies higher has harmed A lot of people and their population has lowered glaciers continue to shrink worldwide, and conflicts are likely to erupt. Others are with no access to water people refuse to sanitize correctly to better the freshwater crisis less than 1% of the population have access to water. The freshwater crisis in the world today is that people are still without access to water sanitation is very low. To help people we can purifying methods The freshwater crisis in todays time The population has changed in many different ways united nations water use has grown more than twice the population. Two thirds of the worlds population is living without water some regions seem relatively flush with fresh water. The water is harder to get than it was twenty years ago it needs work or significant currency to obtain not enough rain is coming in around the places that really needs the water and people are trying to help africans but they can only try so hard without enough water people could pass or suffer. Why fresh water shortage will cause the next global crisis The consequences are providing to be profound reservoirs and aquifers dry its reduced to desert overuse water. Global nature of the crisis in the underlined pumped groundwater farmers rely on it massive loss of ground water. Glaciers continue to shrink worldwide it has increased since the 20th century they have more conflicts to erupt because there dehydrating and its causing them to freak out on others without thinking or carrying of the consequences of their actions and wrong ways they have treated everyone they will do anything at this point to get some water in their houses. Causes and effects and solutions to water crisis Water has been luxury for people living in droughts they have fought with water borne disease but people also take the water they do have for granted.once water becomes polluted it becomes very harmful to humans and animals. It could lead to sickness, infections its polluted dangerous chemicals. People in bigger cities has not complained this reason is because they have more chance of surviving they have a lot more water access than most states these places are around africa and india they get sicker easier than people who have proper drinking water. Causes of water scarcity Human waste is directly dumped in lakes and rivers without proper cleaning so this is causing a health issue and causing people to get very sick and possible death. The leaks from oil spills and landfill leaks are having a effect on humans not being able to get proper drinking water and sanitizing correctly. They are going hungry the farmers dont have enough water to feed their crops so their not getting enough money on the farm causing their business to go down. The more water farmers have the less problems their is to face the crops and animals will not face death and be dehydrated. Threats to water supply side and demand- side problems One supply-side threat arises from instances in which we are withdrawing freshwater from surface water sources and groundwater aquifers at rates faster than replenishment or recharge (T boone pickens). The rates on freshwater crisis have lowered since the 20th century not many humans have much access to water and if they do its not very sanitized its filled with many diseases and bacteria. The population has lowered in small states than in large this has been an issue and we havent found a solution to solve this The population on death and diseases The cities have lowered with their population in small states. While nations so far have found more reasons to cooperate than go to war over water, pressures are mounting rapidly with rising population and absolute scarcity levels(STEVEN SOLOMON). The greater, imminent risk today is failed states, and all the fall-out they will spread.So many families have lost many important family members and knowing that in a few days that will be them lying there begging for forgiveness. To many deaths for something that could be fixed or the people suffering be saved and moved to someone that can help them have a future. Works Cited The Crisis. Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 3 Feb. 2017. Accessed 10 Feb. 2017. Henry, Tom. Water Crisis Grips Hundreds of Thousands in Toledo Area, State of Emergency Declared. Blade, The (OH) 03 Aug. 2014: Newspaper Source. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. Inland Water Ecosystem. Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 18 Sep. 2016. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. Interlandi, Jeneen, and Ryan Tracy. Fresh Water Is Becoming a Privatized Commodity Instead of a Public Trust. Will the World Run Out of Fresh Water? Ed. David M. Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. of The New Oil. Newsweek 18 Oct. 2010: n. pag. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 8 Feb. 2017. Water. Britannica School, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 15 Apr. 2016. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017.